Raghad Kadhim Salih
Assistant Professor
- B.Sc. Applied Mathematics / Applied Mathematics department /University of Technology / Baghdad /Iraq/ 1999 .
- M.Sc . Applied Mathematics / Applied Mathematics Department /University of Technology / Baghdad /Iraq/ 2004
- Z-Transformation for Solving Volterra Integral Equations of Convolution Type, Al-fath Jr., The college of basic education, Diyala University, No.26, 2006
- Laplace Transformation for Determining The Linear Equivalence of The periodic Sequence, Eng & Tech. Jr., Vol.25,No.2, 2007.
- Developing a System of Nonlinear Delay Differential Equations Solved by Using Picard Method, Al-fath Jr., The college of basic education, Diyala University, No.27, 2007.
- Block Method for Solving State-Space Equations of Linear Continuous-Time Control Systems, Um-Salama science Jr., The collage of science for women, University of Baghdad, Vol.4, No.2, 2007.
- On The Nonlinear Key Generator Design Using Unit-Step and Trace Functions, Eng & Tech. Jr.,Vol.27, No.15, 2009.
- Nyström’s Method for Solving nth Order Nonlinear Differential-Difference Equations of Hybrid- Time Systems, Jr. of the college of basic education, Al Mustansiriyah University, No.57, 2009.
- Hûta Method for Solving nth Order State-Space Equations of Nonlinear Continuous-Time Control Systems, Eng & Tech. Jr., Vol.28, No.6, 2010.
- B-Spline Functions for Solving nth Order Linear Delay Integro-Differential Equations of Convolution Type, Eng & Tech. Jr., Vol.28, No.23, 2010.
- A Mathematical Approach for Computing the Linear Equivalence of a Periodic Key- Stream Sequence Using Fourier Transform, Baghdad science Jr, The collage of science for women, University of Baghdad, Vol.8, No.3, 2011.
- Determining of complexity of pseudo-random sequence based on Z-transform, Jr. Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, Atti Della, Anno LXVI, N.2, 2011.
- An Approximated Solutions for nth Order Linear Delay Integro-Differential Equations of Convolution Type Using B-Spline Functions and Weddle Method, Baghdad Jr. for Science, The collage of science for women, University of Baghdad, Vol.11(1)2014.
- Scraton Method for Solving nth Order State-Space Equations of Linear Continuous-Time Control Systems, Jr. of the college of basic education, Al Mustansiriyah University, 2015.
- Algorithms for Solving Linear Continuous Time-Invariant Control Systems Using Nystrom Method,Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 23(1),1-6, 2018.
- Generalizing of Finite Difference Method for Certain Fractional Order Parabolic PDE’s, Jr. of Al- Qadisiya for computer science and mathematics, Vol.10, No.3, ISSN:2074- 0204, 2018.
- A New Modified Playfair Cipher, AIP Conf. Proc. 2086, 030047-1_030047-4. (ICMS 2018). Turkey2019.
- . Block and Weddle Methods for Solving nth Order Linear Retarded Volterra Integro- Differential Equations. Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 25(2):3, 2020.
- Thanks letter for the effort in organizing the work for the committee of preliminary studies test scores 2006, 2017.
- Thanks letter from the minister of higher education for performance evaluation2010
- Many thank letters from the head of Department of Applied Sciences
- Thanks letter from the president of the University for Department of Applied Science 2013,2018.
- Thanks letters from the president of the University of Technology 2018, 2019.
- Honoring the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the teaching staff in the University of Technology in 2013, 2019.