
Abeer Ameen Baqer

lecturer Doctor

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Curriculum Vitae

 Bachelors of Biotechnology Department, collage of science /Baghdad University 2007 with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 64.09% and Ranked 33 out of 53.


 Higher Diploma in Genetic engineering and Biotechnology/ Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology/Baghdad University 2008.


 Master of Science in Genetic engineering and Biotechnology/ Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology/Baghdad University 2014 with a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 78.86%.


4. PhD in Biotechnology Science / Department of Biological Sciences & Biotechnology /National University of Malaysia 2021

 Ameen, Baqer Abeer. Characterisation of klebsiella pneunmoniae and potential of klebsiella lytic bacteriophages in antibacteria and-biofilm formation. Diss. UKM, Bangi, 2021


 Vuong, Bui Xuan, et al. “Drug delivery assessment of an iron-doped fullerene cage towards thiotepa anticancer drug.” Inorganic Chemistry Communications 141 (2022): 109558.


 Baqer, Abeer Ameen, et al. “In Vitro Activity, Stability and Molecular Characterization of Eight Potent Bacteriophages Infecting Carbapenem-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae.” Viruses 15.1 (2022): 117.


 Al-Dragy, Wathiq A., and Abeer A. Baqer. “Detection of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in Human patients Stool and Food by Using Multiplex PCR Assays Targeting the rfbE and the eaeAGenes compared with Detection by Biochemical Test and Serological Assay.” Al-Nahrain Journal of Science 17.3 (2014): 124-131.
