Noor Ali Hasan
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
- B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics) 09/2001 – 09/2004
- M.Sc. (Master of Science Degree in Physics) 09/2004 – 02/2008
- Ph.D. Degree in Physics 10/2012 –12/2016 Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Germany (Financial of PhD supported by DAAD)
Research Interests
Superconductor materials, solid state physics, condensed matter, thin films, solar cell, Josephson junctions, photovoltaic detector, vacuum technology, SQUIDs, Ferrite
Undergraduate :-
- Modern physics / second stage.
Postgraduates Courses :-
- Electrodynamics
- Thin films & vacuum technologies.
- N. Hasan, „Fabrication corner‐like Josephson junctions based on pnictide single crystals“ Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (2021) 34:1393–1396
- N. Hasan, Mohammed H. Hadi: „Effect of Mn‐ substitution on the structure Co0.6 Zn0.4 Fe2O4“,Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1795 (2021) 012036
- N. Hasan, H. Hafeath, A. Ahmed: „Synthesis and Characterization of the bulk YBCO‐target of Superconducting material“ Materials Today: Proceedings 42 (2021) 2268–2272
- Raid A. Ismail, N. Hasan, Suaad S. Shaker: ”Preparation of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Ox Thin Film by Pulsed Laser Deposition for Optoelectronic Devices Application“ Silicon,8 March (2021),
- Hanan Kadhim, Noor Hasan, Adawiya Haider and Faras Mohammed:“ Characterization of Thin Films Superconductor Materials and Study of Electrical Properties” Accepted for American Institute of Physics (APC),(2021)
- Amir Ahmed, Noor Hasan, Adi Mahmoud and Faras Qasim,:“Synthesis of bulk superconductors using the Sol-gel method”, Accepted for American Institute of Physics (APC),(2021)
- N. Hasan, Raid A. Ismail: „Characterization photo detectors based on PbI2 thin film “,Accepted to be published in Elsevier journal physics (2021).
- N. Hasan, D. Reifert, S. Schmidt, V. Tympel, F. Schmidl, T. Wolf, and P. Seidel: „Characterizing the Josephson Effect on Ba-122 Single Crystal Junctions” J. Supercond. Nov. Magn.2019
- S. Schmidt, S. Döring, N. Hasan, F. Schmidl, V. Tympel, F. Kurth, K. Iida, H. Ikuta, T. Wolf and Paul Seidel“ Josephson effects at iron pnictides –approaching phase-sensitive experiments„ Phys. Status Solidi B 254, No. 1, 1600165 (2017) / DOI 10.1002/pssb.201600165
- N. Hasan, D. Reifert, S. Döring, S. Schmidt, V. Tympel, F. Schmidl, T. Wolf, and P. Seidel: „Planar Hybrid Josephson Junctions Based on Ba 122 Single Crystals” IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 1051-8223 (2016).
- S. Döring, D. Reifert, N. Hasan, S. Schmidt, F. Schmidl, V. Tympel, F. Kurth, K. Iida, B. Holzapfel, T. Wolf, and P. Seidel : „Excess current in Planar Ba(Fe1 xCox)2As2/TiOx/Pb Josephson Junctions“ Physica Status Solidi B 252, no.12, pp.2858-2866 2015.
- S. Döring, S. Schmidt, D. Reifert, M. Feltz, M. Monecke, N. Hasan, V. Tympel, F. Schmidl, J. Engelmann, F. Kurth, K. Iida, I. Mönch, B. Holzapfel and P. Seidel: „Hybrid Josephson Junctions with Iron-based and Conventional Superconductor Electrodes“ J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 115 (2014),083901.
- D. Reifert, N. Hasan, S. Döring, S. Schmidt, M. Monecke, M. Feltz, F. Schmidl, V. Tympel, W. Wisniewski, I. Mönch, T. Wolf and P. Seidel: „Preparation of hybrid Josephson junctions on Co doped Ba-122 single crystals“ Supercond. Sci. Technol. 27 (2014), 085003.
Conference presentations:
- Hanan Kadhim, Noor Hasan, Adawiya Haider and Faras Mohammed:“Characterization of Thin Films Superconductor Materials and Study of Electrical Properties”
- Conference Series Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability, TMREES-2021 The 16th Int’l Conf. Athens – Greece, May 19 to 21, (2021).
- Amir Ahmed, Noor Hasan, Adi Mahmoud and Faras Qasim,:“Synthesis of bulk superconductors using the Sol-gel method” Conference Series Technologies and Materials for Renewable Energy, Environment and Sustainability, TMREES-2021 The 16th Int’l Conf. Athens – Greece, May 19 to 21, (2021).
- N. Hasan, H. Hafeath, A. Ahmed „Synthesis and Characterization of the bulk YBCO‐target of Superconducting material“ The 3rd International Conference on Materials Engineering and Science [December 28-30, 2020 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia]
- N. Hasan, Mohammed H. Hadi „Effect of Mn‐ substitution on the structure Co0.6 Zn0.4 Fe2O4“ 2nd International Conference on Science of Materials, Laser and Applied Physics (ICSMLAP 2020), Baghdad, Iraq
- N. Hasan, D. Reifert, S. Schmidt, V. Tympel, F. Schmidl, T. Wolf, and P. Seidel: „Characterizing the Josephson Effect on Ba-122 Single Crystal Junctions” The 6th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism 2018, Antalya, Turkey
- N. Hasan, D. Reifert, S. Schmidt, V. Tympel, F. Schmidl, T. Wolf, and P. Seidel: „Characterizing the Josephson Effect and Andreev Reflection Studies on Ba-122 Single Crystal Junctions” The 5th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism 2016, Fethiye, Turkey
- N. Hasan, D. Reifert, S. Döring, S. Schmidt, V. Tympel, F. Schmidl, T. Wolf, and P. Seidel : „Planar Hybrid Josephson Junctions Based on Ba 122 Single Crystals“ The 12th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity EUCAS 2015, Lyon/ France
- N. Hasan, D. Reifert, S. Döring, S. Schmidt, V. Tympel, F. Schmidl, T. Wolf and P. Seidel: „Observation of Josephson effect on Ba-122 pnictide single crystals” DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2015, Berlin
- S. Döring, S. Schmidt, D. Reifert, M. Feltz, M. Monecke, N. Hasan, Vo. Tympel, F. Schmidl, J. Engelmann, F. Kurth, K. Iida, I. Mönch, B. Holzapfel und P. Seidel: „Hybrid Josephson Junctions with Iron-based and Conventional Superconductor Electrodes“ International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism 2014, Antalya, Turkey
- N. Hasan, S. Schmidt, S. Döring, V. Tympel, F. Schmidl, P. Seidel und T. Wolf: „Preparation of SN and SNS’ junctions on Ba-122 iron pnictide single crystals “ DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2014, Dresden
- V. Tympel , M. Feltz, S. Schmidt, S. Döring, D. Reifert, S. Gottwals, N. Hasan, M. Monecke, F. Schmidl, K. Iida, F. Kurth, B. Holzapfel und P. Seidel: „Josephson junctions based on pnictide superconductors“ Tagung kryoelektronische Bauteile 2013, Bad Herrenalb
- M. Monecke, S. Schmidt, S. Döring, M. Feltz, N. Hasan, D. Reifert, F. Schmidl und P. Seidel: „Processing of Insulating barriers for the development of tunneling junctions based on pnictide supercondcutors“ DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2013, Regensburg
- M. Feltz, S. Schmidt, S. Döring, D. Reifert, S. Gottwals, N. Hasan, M. Monecke, F. Schmidl, K. Iida, F. Kurth, B. Holzapfel und P. Seidel: „Josephson junctions based on pnictide superconductors“ DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2013, Regensburg
- D. Reifert, S. Schmidt, S. Döring, M. Feltz, S. Gottwals, N. Hasan, M. Monecke, F. Schmidl, K. Iida, F. Kurth, B. Holzapfel und P. Seidel „Studies on the processing of Ba-122 single crystals for the development of tunnel junctions“ DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2013, Regensburg
- S. Gottwals, S. Döring, S. Schmidt, N. Hasan, F. Schmidl, F. Kurth, K. Iida, B. Holzapfel, I. Mönch und P. Seidel: „Conductance spectra investigations of ironarsenide superconductors in planar junctions“ DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2013, Regensburg
- S. Schmidt, S. Döring, M. Feltz, N. Hasan, S. Gottwals, F. Schmidl, S. Haindl, F. Kurth, K. Iida, B. Holzapfel und P. Seidel: „Investigations of pnictide superconductors – three Josephson junction approaches “ DPG-Frühjahrstagung 2013, Regensburg
Publications in the annual report of the Institute of Solid State Physics at FSU Jena:
- N. Hasan, S. Döring, S. Schmidt, V. Tympel, F. Schmidl, T. Wolf and P. Seidel: „Point contact spectroscopy of Co-doped Ba-122 single crystals” Contribution to the Institute report IFK Jena 2015
- N. Hasan, S. Döring, S. Schmidt, V. Tympel, T. Wolf, F. Schmidl and P. Seidel: „Processing of Ba 122 single crystals for fabrication of Josephson junctions” Contribution to the Institute report IFK Jena 2014
- N. Hasan, D. Reifert, S. Döring, S. Schmidt, F. Schmidl, V. Tympel, P. Seidel und T. Wolf: „Planar hybrid tunnelling, Josephson junctions based on Ba-122 single crystals” Contribution to the Institute report IFK Jena 2013
- S. Döring, S. Schmidt, S. Gottwals, M. Feltz, N. Hasan, F. Schmidl, V. Tympel, K. Iida, F. Kurth, B. Holzapfel und P. Seidel: „Possible Influence of a Proximity Effect on the Spectra of Edge Type Ba (Fe1-xCox)2As2/Pb Junctions“ Contribution to the Institute report IFK Jena 2012
- S. Gottwals, S. Döring, S. Schmidt, M. Feltz, N. Hasan, F. Schmidl, V. Tympel, K. Iida, F. Kurth, I. Mönch, B. Holzapfel und P. Seidel: „Conductance Spectra of planar junctions based on Ba(Fe0.9Co0.1)2As2 supercondcutor thin films” Contribution to the Institute report IFK Jena 2012
Qualification work:
- N. Hasan : „Preparation and characterization of planar hybrid Josephson junctions based on Ba-122 Pnictide single crystals“
- Dissertation / Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena/Germany 2016 N. Hasan: „preparation of Bi-Pb-2212 superconductor compound and studying some of their properties“
- Master thesis / Al-Nahrain University/Iraq 2008 N. Hasan: „The study of the properties of superconducting materials“Bachelor’s thesis / Al-Nahrain University/Iraq 2004
I awarded the first place of the best research and poster presentation 2016.