
Nahida Joumaa Hameed


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  • B.Sc. ,Physics Baghdad university, 1983


  • M.Sc., Physics/composites materials, Baghdad university ,1997


  • Ph.D. ,Physics/composites materials, Baghdad university ,2004
  • Effect of cross linking agent (gultaraldehyde), Journal of physics:conference seriese,2020


  • Study, of the mechanical properties of polyvinyl alchol\starch blends, Material tody:proceedings,2020


  • Optical properties study for ps\pmma blend as laser active medium, AIP Confere,Proce,2019


  • Preparation and characterization of hyacinth plant/chitosan composite as a heavy metal removal, Baghdad science journal,2019


  • Decolorization of phenol red dye by immobilized laccase in chitosan beads using laccase-mediator-system model, Baghdad science journal,2020


  • Study the toxic heavy metal removal by different hyacinth plant\chitosan composites, Iraqi journal of agliculture,2019


  • Preparation and characterizatics study of polystyrene\porous silicon photodetector prepared by electrochemical etching, Journal of inorganic and organometallic polymers and materials,2020


  • improvement thermomechanical properties of polylactic acid via titania nanofillers reinforcement, Journal of advanced research in fluid mechanics and thermal sciences,2020


  • Effect of tributyl citrate plasticizer on thermomechanical attributes of polylactic acid, Journal of advanced research in fluid mechanics and thermal sciences,2020


  • Mechanical study and thermal behavior of plasticied polylactic acid nanocomposites, Solid state phenomena,2020


  • UV-Exposure effect on the mechanical properties of PEO\PVA blends,Iraqi journal of scinces,2019

Many honors.

  • ……(Patent for preparing Hydrogel and Poly vinyl alcohol /Chitosamine chloride blends preparation and study of their properties for medical uses,2014
  • ……{Patent for preparation and high sensitive photodetecters form(PS/Si)composites modified by gold and silver nano particles in novel method),2017.
  • —-(Patent for preparation of SiO2/ PVC composites for packaging applications.),2018