عن الفرع
نشأة الفرع
تم تأسيس فرع التقنيات الكيميائية الاحيائية (حاليا فرع التقنيات الاحيائية) عام 2000 ضمن قسم العلوم التطبيقية في الجامعة التكنولوجية حيث مدة الدراسة الفعلية اربع سنوات وسُمّيَ آنذاك (فرع التقنيات الكيميائية الاحيائية )، وفي العام الدراسي ( 2009-2010) تغير اسم الفرع إلى فرع التقنيات الإحيائية ليتوافق مع تخصص التقنيات الإحيائية في الجامعات العراقية والعالمية ، يهدف الفرع لتخريج نخبة الخريجين في مجال التقنيات الإحيائية ويعمل خريجو الفرع في مجالات متعددة منها التحليلات المرضية والبحوث العلمية بمختلف أنواعها ، كما ويحرص الفرع على إبداء المساعدة لكافة طلبة الفروع التابعة لقسم العلوم التطبيقية وطلبة الأقسام العلمية والمراكز البحثية في الجامعة التكنولوجية والجامعات الأخرى.
الرؤيا والاهداف
أن يكون الفرع مبدعاً وريادياً وفعالاً ضمن قسم العلوم التطبيقية وضمن أقسام في الجامعات العراقية.
إعداد كوادر علمية تعتمد الجانب التطبيقي والتقني على مستوى تعليمي متميز ينسجم ومعايير الجودة والاعتماد الوطنية والعالمية من خلال إجراء البحوث والدراسات وتقديم الاستشارات التي تصب في خدمة الجامعة والمجتمع المحلي والإقليمي.
يهدف فرع التقنيات الاحيائية إلى تطوير المناهج الدراسية وتحديثها بما يتواكب مع التطورات العلمية والتقنية في مجال التقنيات الحيوية.
• تزويد الجهات الحكومية والخاصة بالكوادر العلمية المتخصصة: يسعى لتخريج خبراء متخصصين في مجالات التقنيات الحيوية، مثل التقنيات الطبية والصحية والصناعية والزراعية.
• تطوير المختبرات البحثية: يعمل على تجهيز المختبرات بأحدث الأجهزة والمواد المختبرية لتمكين البحث العلمي.
• إقامة دورات وندوات وورش عمل علمية: ينظم فعاليات تعليمية وتوعوية لتعزيز استخدام التقنيات الحيوية الحديثة.
• تطوير المنتجات الصناعية والطبية باستخدام التقنيات الحيوية: يسعى لتحسين الإنتاج الصناعي والتشخيص الطبي باستخدام أساليب التقنيات الحيوية.
الكادر التدريسي
ت | الاسم الثلاثي | الشهادة | اللقب العلمي |
1 | انتصار حسين علي | دكتوراه | استاذ |
2 | علي عبدالرحمن طه | دكتوراه | استاذ |
3 | غسان محمد سليمان | دكتوراه | استاذ |
4 | ماجد صخي جبر | دكتوراه | استاذ |
5 | نهاية نعمة حسين | دكتوراه | استاذ |
6 | امل علي حسين | دكتوراه | استاذ |
7 | هبه منير عبدالحسن | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
8 | وسناء هاتف محمد | ماجستير | استاذ |
9 | زهراء عبدالمنعم عبدالهادي | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
10 | صبا عبدالهادي مهدي | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
11 | بثينة عبدالحمزة حسون | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
12 | اريج عبدالوهاب محمد | ماجستير | استاذ مساعد |
13 | ايمان إسماعيل جبار | ماجستير | استاذ مساعد |
14 | همسة عماد عبدالواحد | ماجستير | استاذ مساعد |
15 | نغم علي | ماجستير | استاذ مساعد |
16 | سهاد عدنان | دكتوراه | مدرس |
17 | عمر انعم خليل | دكتوراه | مدرس |
18 | عبير امين باقر | دكتوراه | مدرس |
19 | نوار بهاء عبدالصاحب | دكتوراه | مدرس |
20 | مريم ضاري كامل | دكتوراه | مدرس |
21 | بسام شاكر محمود | ماجستير | مدرس |
22 | حسين عبود عواد | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
23 | اناهيد حمدي حميد | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
24 | هدى عبدالكريم حسين | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
25 | نور صباح يونس | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
26 | نادية عماد عبدالوهاب | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
27 | اسراء رحيم شتاغ | ماجستير | مساعد مدرس |
28 | رنا شامل نوري | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
29 | مريم حسين سعدي | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
30 | ياسر علي حسين | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
31 | م.م.رند جبار ستار | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
32 | م.م. بلال حسام جاسم | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
الفرق البحثية
مختبرات فرع التقنيات الإحيائية | ||
ت | اسم المختبر | نشاط المختبر |
1 | الكيمياء والتحليل الالي | تدريس مادة الكيمياء العضوية في السنة الثانية وكيمياء التحليل الالي في السنة الرابعة والكيمياء التحليلية والكيمياء الفيزياوية في السنة الاولى |
2 | الهندسة الوراثية والمناعة | تدريس الهندسة الوراثية في السنة الرابعة والمناعة في السنة الثالثة وعلم الاحياء في السنة الاولى وعلم الدم وميكانيك الموائع في السنة الثانية |
3 | علوم الاحياء المجهرية | تدريس فسلجة الاحياء المجهرية الصناعية في السنتين الثانية والثالثة |
4 | تقنيات التخمر والكيمياء الصناعية | تدريس الكيمياء الحياتية في السنة الاولى والكيمياء الحياتية السريرية وتقنيات التخمر في السنة الرابعة والكيمياء الصناعية والتحضيرات المجهرية في السنة الثالثة والتقنيات الصيدلانية في السنة الرابعة |
رواد الفرع
• الاستاذ الدكتور انتصار حسين علي
• الاستاذ الدكتور عباس عبدالله الجنابي
• الاستاذ الدكتور علي عبدالرحمن طه
• الاستاذ الدكتور غسان محمد سليمان
• الاستاذ الدكتور نهاية نعمة حسين
الدراسات الاولية
نبذة تعريفية عن الدراسة:
أستحدث الفرع عام 2000 ضمن قسم العلوم التطبيقية في الجامعة التكنولوجية بإسم فرع التقنيات الكيميائية الإحيائية ، وفي عام 2010-2009 تغير اسم الفرع إلى فرع التقنيات الإحيائية ليتوافق مع تخصص التقنيات الإحيائية في الجامعات العراقية والعالمية ، يهدف الفرع لتخريج نخبة الخريجين في مجال التقنيات الإحيائية ويعمل خريجو الفرع في مجالات متعددة منها التحليلات المرضية والبحوث العلمية بمختلف أنواعها ، كما ويحرص الفرع على إبداء المساعدة لكافة طلبة الفروع التابعة لقسم العلوم التطبيقية وطلبة الأقسام العلمية والمراكز البحثية في الجامعة التكنولوجية والجامعات الأخرى.
مجالات عمل الخريجين:
يحصل الخريج على شهادة البكلوريوس علوم في التقنيات الإحيائية ويكون مؤهلاً لشغل مواقع وفرص عمل متنوعة في كثير من المؤسسات العلمية والوزارات ومراكز البحوث منها على سبيل المثال وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي، وزارة الصحة، وزارة الزراعة، وزارة الداخلية، وزارة التجارة، وزارة البيئة، وزارة الدفاع، وزارة العدل، وزارة النفط ومراكز بحوث الدواء، مراكز البحوث الطبية، مراكز بحوث الغذاء، محطات تصفية ومعالجة المياه، مراكز البحوث الزراعية، المختبرات الطبية، مصانع الغذاء ومؤسسات القطاع الخاص المختلفة (الصناعية، الطبية والزراعية) .
مدة الدراسة :
اربع سنوات
القسم العلمي الذي يمنح الشهادة:
العلوم التطبيقية في الجامعة التكنولوجية
الخلفية العلمية للطلبة المقبولين على دراسة البكلوريوس :
خريجي الدراسة الاعدادية العراقية أو مايعادلها من الفرع العلمي.
الدراسات العليا
الخلفية العلمية للطلبة المقبولين لدراسة الماجستير:
يجب ان يكون المتقدم على دراسة الماجستير من حملة شهادة البكالوريوس في التقنيات الاحيائية أو الكيميائية احيائية حصراً جب ان يكون المتقدم على دراسة الدكتوراة من حملة شهادة الماجستير في التقنيات الاحيائية أو الكيميائية احيائية حصراً
الخلفية العلمية للكادر التدريسي:
يضم فرع التقنيات الاحيائية كوكبة من حملة شهادة الدكتوراه والماجستير والبكالوريوس في التقنيات الاحيائية وعلوم الحياة
يمنح الفرع الاختصاصات في دراسة الماجستير:
يُمنح فرع التقنيات الاحيائية الطلاب في الدراسات العليا مجموعة من الاختصاصات المتعلقة بالتقنيات الحيوية وتشمل • تقنيات الأحياء الجزيئية والخلوية: يشمل دراسة الهياكل الجزيئية والعمليات الخلوية، مثل الجينات والبروتينات والأيض. • تقنيات الوراثة والتكنولوجيا الحيوية: يتناول البحث في التغييرات الوراثية والتلاعب بالجينات وتطبيقات التكنولوجيا الحيوية. • تقنيات التحليل الحيوي والتشخيص: يركز على تطوير أساليب تحليل العينات الحيوية للتشخيص والتوصية بالعلاج. • تقنيات البيئة والتلوث: يدرس تأثير التلوث على البيئة ويبحث في حلول مستدامة. • تقنيات الصناعة الحيوية والأدوية: يتعلق بتطوير منتجات صناعية وأدوية باستخدام التقنيات الحيوية. • تقنيات الأغذية والتغذية: يبحث في تحسين جودة الأغذية وتطبيقات التكنولوجيا الحيوية في صناعة الأغذية. • تقنيات الزراعة والهندسة الوراثية: يدرس تطبيقات التكنولوجيا الحيوية في تحسين المحاصيل وتطوير أصناف جديدة. • تقنيات البحث العلمي والتطبيقات البيولوجية: يهدف إلى تطوير مهارات البحث والتطبيقات العملية. هذه مجرد نبذة عن الاختصاصات الممكنة، حيث يُعتبر فرع التقنيات الاحيائية مجالًا متعدد التخصصات يمكن أن يسهم في تطوير العلوم والتكنولوجيا الحيوية في العراق وعلى مستوى عالمي.
البرنامج الاكاديمي
وصف البرنامج الاكاديمي للفرع
وصف المقرر للبرنامج الاكاديمي
المسار البولوني للفرع
شؤون الطلبة
أطاريح الماجستير لفرع التقنيات الاحيائية
Biological Activity of Phenolic Compounds Extracted From Prunus domestica and Solanum melongena
By:Hiba Jameel Omran    Supervised By:Assistant Professor Dr. Buthania A.Hasoon & Professor Dr. Amal Ali Hussein    year:2024
Since multidrug resistance (MDR) has become a major issue in the treatment of pathogenic bacterial infections, the scientific community has developed an interest in phenolic compound due to their wide range of possible applications. During the period from October to November of 2022 Prunus domestica(Plum) and Solanum melongena (Eggplant) was purchased from the Iraqi local market. P. domestica fruit was peeled and kept fresh by freezing, while Solanum melongena plant was dried and ground . Crude extract from Prunus domestica and Solanum melongena peels by a Soxhlet device . Anthocyanins dye was characterized by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS), the most Prunus domestica and Solanum melongena peels extract compounds have been shown to have different biological activities. The microorganisms used in antibacterial assays are Stаphylococcus аureus, Serratia marcescens, Proteus mirabilis, Psеudomonas аerugienosa, Bаcillus cеreus and Candida albicans. These cultures were obtained from Laboratory of Biotechnology Division, Department of Applied Sciences, University of Technology, Iraq. The isolated microorganisms were rediagnosed in traditional way by VITEK 2 system ,then used as antimicrobial activity. Crude extract from Prunus domestica and Solanum melongena peels suppressed the development of every isolate, at concentrations (25, 50, and 75) μg/mL, except Proteus mirabilis was inhibited at concentrations (50 and 75) μg/mL for Solanum melongena . The results detected that Prunus domestica and Solanum melongena peels had more effective than other antimicrobial agents at inhibiting the development of microorganisms especially for Candida albicans which was shown inhibited at all concentrations, antibiotic against of fungi there was no inhibition zone. All of the isolates conducted an antibiotic susceptibility test, and it was shown that some of the isolates had antibiotic resistance. The 1,1-Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method was used to identify the antioxidant activity of crud anthocyanin dye. The results showed that the antioxidant activity of the dye increased with an increase in the concentrations. Anticancer activity had been shown The ability of Prunus domestica and Solanum melongena peels to suppress the growth of cancer cell lines was used to evaluate their anticancer properties. The findings demonstrated the highly considerable cytotoxic action of crud extract against MCF-7 cell line at concentrations ranging 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100,and 200 µg/mL. The inhibitory concentration value (IC50) of Prunus domestica peels was 34.92 μg/mL. While the inhibitory concentration value (IC50) of from Solanum melongena peels was 37.23 μg/mL. In vivo study on mice were done to investigate the effects of oral administration of crude anthocyanin dye from Prunus domestica and Solanum melongena peels on liver function, kidney function, and blood sugar levels in mice. Mice were divided into a control group and treatment groups with Prunus domestica and Solanum melongena peels that received 100 μg/kg/day of the respective crude extract for one week, two weeks, three weeks, four weeks. Liver function was assessed by measuring serum levels of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT), glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). Kidney function was evaluated by measuring serum urea and Creatinine levels. Random blood sugar (RBS) levels were also measured. The results showed that administration of Prunus domestica and Solanum melongena peels led to significant improvements in liver and kidney function markers as well as reduced blood sugar levels compared to the control group. The beneficial effects were more pronounced with longer durations of Prunus domestica and Solanum melongena peels administration. These findings suggest that these natural plant-derived crude extract may have therapeutic potential for antimicrobial, antioxidant, anticancer activity, managing liver disease, kidney dysfunction, and blood sugar dysregulation.
Molecular Study of Prevalence of carbapenemase genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates in Iraq
By:Marwa Ghalib Ali Al-Amari    Supervised By:Assistant Professor Dr. Nehia Neama Hussein & Assistant Professor Dr. Sawsan M. Kareem    year:2024
The present study included 155 clinical samples were collected through the period extending from September to December 2022. The samples were collected from both genders males and females,different ages patients from different clinical sources (Burn, Urine, Wound, Sputum, Ear, and Blood). Samples were collected from three hospitals in Baghdad including Al-Yarmouk Teaching Hospital, AL-Mahmmodiya Hospital, and Child’s Central Teaching Hospital. Depending on the characteristic examination, morphological of the colonies phenotypic and microscopic when grown in differential and selective media, as well as biochemical tests to diagnose isolates 55 isolates were identified as P. aeruginosa, and then confirmed by VITEK 2 compact system. Molecular diagnosis of P.aeruginosa was performed by extracting DNA for 25 isolates and amplified by polymerase chain reaction to detect 16s-rRNA. Molecular Identification the results showed that all samples are P. aeruginosa. the percentage of isolates according to clinical sources were burn swabs n=19, urine culture n=12, wound swabs n=6, sputum n=11, ear swabs n=5 and blood n=3 and these samples were showed significant differences (P≤0.01). The biochemical tests including the Oxidase test and catalase test the result of its 55. Kirby-Bauer method was used for all the bacterial isolates to find out the antibiotic susceptibility test for eight different antimicrobial agents belonging to different classes levofloxacin (LEV), imipenem (IPM), meropenem (MEM), amikacin (AK),asteronam(ATM), ciprofloxacin (CIP), piperacillin(PRL), cefepime(FEP). The current results show of isolates were resistant to PRL, AK, and resistant to FEP, while were sensitive to CIP, IMP, and sensitive to LEVO. Combined disk Synergy Test, the metallo-β-lactamases (MBL) phenotype of imipenem-resistant isolates was detected. PCR was performed to amplify gene MBL. The antibiotic resistance of MBL-producing isolates (VIM, SPM, GIM) of imipenem-resistant P.aeruginosa was compared with that of non-MBL-producing isolates. A standard and the imipenem and EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid) combination The disc test and the polymerase chain reaction(PCR) were then used to detect MβL. 20 of the 55 P. aeruginosa strains tested positive for imipenem resistance. The imipenem EDTA combined disc test showed positive results for 17 of the 20 imipenem-resistant bacteria tested and 20 of these microorganisms carried MβL genes. Molecular diagnosis of P. aeruginosa was performed by extraction of DNA for 25 isolates and amplified by a polymerase chain reaction to detect VIM, IMP, SPM, and GIM resistance genes. VIM, SPM, GIM and IMP were detected by conventional PCR, and the results revealed that (20/25) of isolates had these genes present. Extraction of RNA was performed for gene expression. Analysis of gene expression by using RT-PCR This study employed twenty-Five bacterial isolates; three was sensitive, tow was moderate, the other 20 were resistant, and gene expression was assessed for each. In order to calculate the delta Ct, the gene expression of each isolate was assessed using duplicates, the average for each isolate was taken, and the isolate that was sensitive (used as a control) to Imipenem antibiotic was used as a calibrator. Results suggest that other undiscovered factors or pathways likely contribute to the upregulation of VIM and downregulation of GIM,SPM, IMP not founed in all isolates. The upregulation of efflux pumps, decreased outer membrane permeability, and acquired Metallo-beta-lactamases (MBL) are introduced as the main factors leading to carbapenem resistance These genes that are important for resistance in P. aeruginosa are induced by chromosomal changes that modify membrane permeability efflux pump overexpression. additionally shows that the MβL strains are multi-drug resistant; as a result, effort should now be directed toward reducing the threat to the public’s health by preventing the spread of these isolates by tight infection control measures and the reduction of the danger to public health.
Ciprofloxacin-loaded silver nanoparticles as smart therapeutic approach for some biomedical applications
By:Duaa Rahman Ibraheem   Supervised By:Prof. Dr. Nehia Neama Hussein    year:2022
Diabetic foot ulcers are one of the most common public health issues worldwide, putting a social strain on those who suffer from them. This study included one-hundred fifty-two swabs from diabetic foot ulcer patients with age (36-82) years, during the period from 5 October 2021 to 30 January 2022, from different private clinics in and around Baghdad and Medical City Hospital in Baghdad/Iraq. The results of collected samples revealed that the frequency of males 85 (55.92%) more than females 67 (44.07%), and the age group of (51-68) years was more ages affected by diabetic foot ulcer at 48.68% percentage. In addition, the majority of them were with Type 2 Diabetes mellitus. From these clinical specimens, fifty-five isolates of Staphylococcus aureus, thirty-five isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii, thirty isolates of Serratia marcescens bacteria and ten isolates of Candida albicans were isolated from diabetic foot ulcer. The isolates were diagnosed morphologically, microscopically, and biochemical tests, then the diagnosis was confirmed using the VITEK2 system. In the present study, the antibiotic, Ciprofloxacin (CIP), was loaded onto silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), which were synthesized via the chemical reduction method, to improve the treatment schemes as an alternative solution against diabetic foot bacteria. For the best results, it was proposed a method that used Polyethylene glycol-400(PEG) to prepare coated AgNPs-PEG with enhanced stability, and through the intermediary of the Polyethylene glycol as a linker between Ciprofloxacin and silver nanoparticles to produce the novel nano-conjugates AgNPs-PEG-CIP, as the final formulation of the intended nanomedicine. The physico-chemical properties of size, shapes, size distribution, antibacterial, antioxidant, and anti-biofilm properties of the bare AgNPs, AgNPs-PEG, AgNPs-CIP, and AgNPs-PEG-CIP were investigated and compared amongst them to understand the roles and reactivity, and biological actions of these different nano-entities. The prepared silver nanoparticles and their conjugates ,with Polyethylene glycol and Ciprofloxacin were characterized by color visualization, ultraviolet-visible (UV/vis) spectrophotometer, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FE-SEM) with Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), zeta potential analysis and dynamic light scattering (DLS). The UV-Vis spectroscopy examination has shown the highest absorbance at 438nm, 426nm, 477nm, and 454nm for AgNPs and AgNPs-PEG, AgNPs-CIP, and AgNPsPEG-CIP, respectively. Which indicates of the creation of these nanoparticles. the crystalline structure of silver nanoparticles and their conjugates has been revealed by XRD. FE-SEM has shown the morphology of silver nanoparticles which have a spherical shape with a size range of 32.08 to 43.28 nm, and their conjugates have spherical to oval shapes, with a size ranging from 41.08 to 82.49 nm for AgNPs-PEG and 63.44 to 98.28 nm for AgNPs-PEG-CIP. EDX shows that the weight percentage of silver atoms in AgNPs, AgNPs-PEG, and AgNPs-PEG-CIP liquid samples was 60.4%, 28.4%, and 15.0%, respectively. TEM images demonstrated that silver nanoparticles and their conjugates have spherical to oval shapes, and the histogram of size distribution shows the mean at 33.48nm, 47.35 nm, and 59.78nm for AgNPs, AgNPs-PEG, and AgNPs-PEG-CIP, respectively. The results of The Zeta potential of silver nanoparticles and their conjugates were negative values and moderately stable for AgNPs at -26.84mV and AgNPs-PEG-CIP at -28.46 mV, and good stable for AgNPs-PEG at -37.66mV. The particles size distribution of silver nanoparticles and their conjugates distributed in colloidal suspensions was 57.9 nm, 72.63nm, and 97.31 nm for AgNPs, AgNPs-PEG, and AgNPs-PEG-CIP, confirming the formation of these particles at the nano-size. Silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate were tested for inhibition the growth of microbial isolates at concentrations (12.5, 25, 50, 100)μgmL-1 . The results showed that silver nanoparticles inhibited the bacterial growth more than silver nitrate. The finding revealed that Staphylococcus aureus was more susceptible to silver nitrate and silver nanoparticles than other types of pathogenic bacteria studied. The synergistic effect of AgNPs-PEG, AgNPs-CIP, and AgNPs-PEG-CIP conjugates against diabetic foot bacterial isolates were examined using well diffusion method, the results showed an increase in the diameters of the inhibition zone compared to free Ciprofloxacin and silver nanoparticles. However, the final nano-conjugates AgNPs-PEG-CIP showed an excellent antibacterial effect against Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Serratia marcescens at 41mm, 35mm, and 39mm, respectively. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of silver nanoparticles and their conjugates was measured, and the results showed that the MIC of bare and PEG-AgNPs for Staphylococcus aureus was less than other bacteria.AgNPs-PEG-CIP nano-conjugates showed high antibacterial activity with a significant decrease in the MIC for all tested bacteria. The Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) showed that AgNPs-PEG-CIP had a strongest effect in inhibiting bacterial growth and the values for Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter baumannii, and Serratia marcescens were (25, 50, 12.5 )mg mL-1 , respectively. The effect of nanoparticles on biofilm inhibition was quantified using tubes method, and the effect of AgNPs-PEG-CIP was the best. Based on growth curve determination, the effect of silver nanoparticles and their conjugates on the growth of microbial diabetic foot isolates was evaluated. The results showed that Staphylococcus aureus and Serratia marcescens growth were inhibited at 90 minutes with bare and coated AgNPs, and at 60minutes with AgNPs-CIP and AgNPs-PEG-CIP. At 90minutes, AgNPs and their conjugates were inhibited Acinetobacter baumannii. The antioxidant potentials of AgNPs and their conjugates, tested via their 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging ability, AgNPs were found to be 40.45%, 50.98%, 53.66%, 63.67%, 73.64%, at concentrations (6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100) μgmL-1 , respectively. And the antioxidant activity of AgNPs-CIP and AgNPS-PEG was at 76.24%, and 81.44%, respectively. While AgNPs-PEG-CIP had the highest value at 86.34%. Overall, according to the results obtained in the present study, the final nanoconjugates, AgNPs-PEG-CIP, showed the highest antibacterial, antibiofilm, and antioxidant activity against tested bacteria. The impact of silver nanoparticles and their conjugates on the chromosomal pattern has also been studied.
Determination of some biological effects of denture resin polymethyl methacrylate reinforced with nanoparticles
By:AFatin Assim Youssif    Supervised By:Prof. Dr. Entessar H.Ali & Prof. Dr. Wafaa A. Hussain    year:2022
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is the most commonly used denture because of its several advantages, including color matching, low cost, tasteless, non-toxic, and simplicity of repair after broken. Certain microorganisms adhering to PMMA dentures have been a problem for a long time due to PMMA’s surface roughness and porosity. This study reinforced polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) by 1%, 2%, 3%, and 10 wt. % of each of the following: Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs), zirconium oxide nanoparticles (ZrO2 NPs), Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs), tri-calcium phosphate nanoparticles (TCP NPs), and 3 wt.% as a combination between ZrO2 and TiO2 and another combination between ZnO NPs and TCP NPs in equal ratios. Despite the numerous benefits of the resin PMMA base, it has various drawbacks that we need to address using nanoparticles, such as flexural strength, porosity, and rough surfaces that provide an excellent environment for dangerous bacteria and fungi to stick to grow. Eighteen composite samples and control samples were created. These samples were made to determine the ideal weight ratio of nanoparticles in the PMMA composite material with biological compatibility, low toxicity, and acceptable mechanical and physical qualities. In this research, we evaluated the ratio of apparent porosity, hemolysis tests and Prothrombin time (PT), international normalized ratio (INR), and bacterial adhesion. According to the testing results, the best nanoparticle-based samples were those that contained only 1 and 2 wt.% of nanoparticles, which reduced bacterial adhesion ( Klebsiella pneumonia and Staphylococcus aureus) on the surface of the samples and were not toxic at the same time, and (ZnO+TCP) 3 II wt.% showed significant results in the reduction of zinc toxicities due to mixing with TCP NPs. In terms of hardness, hemolysis, and porosity, TiO2 NPs composites showed the best results. Regarding bacterial adhesion, ZrO2 NPs composites showed the best results, and in PT and INR tests, ZnO NPs composites showed the best results.
Isolation and Characterization of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) Degrading Bacteria from Polluted Soil
By:Zahraa Mithal Abdulhussein   Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Amal Ali Hussein    year:2022
TPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are considered slow decomposition pollutants in nature, and therefore they are treated in several ways and removed from the environment. The most important of these methods is biological treatment by microorganisms that are already present in the areas of presence of these pollutants. Soil samples were collected from oilcontaminated areas of Al-Dora and Sheikh Omar refinery area with a depth of (5-10) cm and a series of dilutions from (10-1 ) to (10-8 ) were made for them, then 0.1 ml of each dilution was cultured on nutrient agar. Twenty bacterial colonies were isolated and then cultured on solid nutrient media inside wells of mineral salt media agar with hydrocarbons (naphthalene, phenanthrene, anthracene) as the sole source of carbon and energy. They were incubated at a temperature of 37°C for 7 days, then the growth zone was observed on 10 dishes. The 10 isolates grown on liquid culture media were incubated in the shaker incubator at a temperature of 37°C and 150 rpm for 7 days. Then it was examined by HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography to know the percentage of bacteria degradation of these compounds. After this, the most efficient bacterial isolates were diagnosed with the VITEK 2 device. Serratia ficaria and Bacillus subtilis showed the highest decomposition rates for PAHs compounds (naphthalene, phenanthrene and anthracene). Serratia ficaria degraded anthracene by 86.6%, and the degradation of naphthalene was 85.16%, and the phenanthrene was 91.36% in contrast the Bacillus subtilis degraded naphthalene by 93.36% and degraded phenanthrene by 91.72%.
SGalangin and Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes for Enhancing Solubility, Drug Delivery and Anticancer Agent
By:Zainab Salim Abbas   Supervised By:Prof. Dr. Ghassan M. Sulaiman    year:2022
In the present investigation, galangin and β-cyclodextrin (GAL/β-CD) inclusion complexes were prepared by the nanoprecipitation technique. GAL/β-CD stayed water soluble after 24 hours at 25°C. Different methods of characterization such as UV-Vis spectroscopy, Analysis of fourier transforms in infrared spectrum (FTIR), X- ray Diffraction technique (XRD), zeta potential analysis and particle size, Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM) and atomic force microscope (AFM) studies were performed and confirmed the synthesis of nanoparticles. Where the UV-Vis spectroscopy analysis for GAL/β-CD showed high absorbance at 360 nm, FTIR analyses were conducted to evaluate the element and functioning groups of GAL/β-CD. XRD, FESEM, TEM and AFM studies confirmed the existences of GAL/β-CD. These results enhanced GAL/β-CD solubility also showed that the manufactured particles had a thin layer, a spherical form, and the diameter ranging between 13–32 nm. Zeta Potential was – 63.14 mV and mobility was 1.25 V/cm with the particle size 23.9 nm and PDI value 0.387. Antioxidant activity by DPPH radical scavenging assay was used in vitro to demonstrate concentration-dependent scavenging action in the 2-50 µg mL-1 range, with the highest level of activity possible of GAL/β-CD was 92.00% at 50 µg mL-1 . In galangin, a decrease of level of hydrogen peroxide 85.00% was observed. The ferric thiocyanate on lipoperoxidation method was clarified by using galangin and GAL/β-CD and demonstrated concentration-dependent suppress lipid peroxidation in the 2-50 µg mL-1 range, at 50 µg mL-1 , the highest level of activity was 70.00%. In galangin decrease level of activity to 60.00% was observed. Xanthine oxidase activity using uric acid was given. The galangin and GAL/β-CD inhibited xanthine oxidase activity in a concentration-dependent manner in the 2-50 µg mL-1 range, at 50 µg mL-1 , the highest level of activity was 90.00 %. While galangin showed 82.00 % decrease. Serum stability in the presence of GAL/β-CD was investigated. The results demonstrates a drastically decreased PS value for galangin following its initial combination with 10% FBS (13591 vs. 5003 nm). In contrast, no significant changes in PS or PDI values of GAL/β-CD were seen throughout time, suggesting that they were stable in serum for 6 hours. The PS of GAL/β-CD ranged from 30 to 63.9 nm. The hemolytic toxicity of GAL/β-CD was investigated, the results showed that modified GAL/β-CD caused less hemolytic toxicity of RBCs (less than 5 %) in respect to the comparable amounts of galangin. The cytotoxicity effect of GAL/β-CD evaluated with the cell line MCF-7 utilizing the MTT assay. The outcomes revealed a concentration-dependent cytotoxicity. The highest cytotoxicity (83.33%) was observed following therapy by 50 µg mL-1 of GAL/β-CD, whereas the cytotoxicity was 11.67% at 3.1 µg mL-1 . Galangin caused less cytotoxicity values of 64.33% and 6.66%, respectively. Crystal violet assay was carried, the GAL/β-CD award forceful cytotoxicity opposite MCF-7 cells. The apoptosis was studied in both cell lines after treatment with GAL/β-CD through types of assessments, which are by utilizing acridine orange & ethidium bromide, mitochondrial activity with Rh123 and ELISA assay with caspase-3 protein detection. The results revealed that GAL/β-CD only caused cell death mediated apoptosis, which was discovered by the above-mentioned assessments and increased nuclear morphological alterations The in-vivo study of the toxicity in animal model was measured by the following parameters, hematological parameter, liver enzymes such as AST/GOT, ALP, and ALT/GPT were showed no significant effect (150,163 and 53 IU/L), (126, 145 and 48 IU/L) in both dosage 20 mg kg-1 and 640 mg kg-1 respectively in comparison with the healthy control (158, 147 and 56 IU/L) respectively, Kidney functions including blood urea, serum creatinine and uric acid showed no significant effect (47, 0.2 and 5 mg/dL), (41, 0.1 and 2 mg/dL) in both dosage 20 mg kg-1 and 640 mg kg-1 respectively in comparison with the healthy control (45, 0.1 and 3 mg/dL) respectively. To learn more about the consequences of GAL/β-CD at two dosages for immunological responses in the lymph organs, the relative weight and indices of organs mice for the spleen and thymus of mice were calculated .The values of spleen index when mice were given 20 and 640 mg kg-1 were 0.86± 0.09 and 0.87±0.08, respectivly, whereas those for the thymus were 0.82±0.06 and 0.82±0.09, respectivly. It can be seen that the values of the indices of the spleen and thymus had no significant differences among the studied groups. And histopathological were estimated after 14 days of oral dose with two doses 20 mg kg−1 and 640 mg kg−1 . Our results demonstrate that GAL/β-CD had no side effects according to high dose 640 mg Kg−1.
Evaluation of Myelin Basic Protein (MBP), Eotaxin-1 (CCL11), and Some Biochemical Parameters in Iraqi Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
By:Sarah Abdulhameed Sahib   Supervised By: Prof. Dr.Ghassan M.Sulaiman & Assist.Prof.Dr.Huda J. Waheed    year: 2022
This study was conducted on Iraqi patients with MS (n=100) and was divided into two groups; newly diagnosed (n=42), and patients with ongoing treatments (n=58). These groups were compared to apparently healthy subjects (n=55). Serum levels of myelin basic protein (MBP), Eotaxin-1, IL23, IL -27, IL- 9, and IL -37 were measured by a human ELISA reader, Enzyme-linked immune sorbent assay research kit (type sandwich ELISA,). Nonetheless, liver-functioning enzymes such (alkaline phosphate, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotransferase), D-bill, T-bill and D3 were assayed on an automated biochemical analyzer SIEMENS Healthineers. It was necessary to draw 3 ml of whole blood straight into an EDTA-containing tube from the venous blood. Hematological parameters (hemoglobin concentration Hb, packed cell volume PCV, white blood cells, red blood cells and platelet count where determined by the whole blood were immediately analyzed by using the fully automated analyzer Sysmex Xn 1000, also studies for gene polymorphism of PDCD1 and PDLCD1 genes and the frequency of two SNPs (rs2227981 and rs2282055) were measured by Realtime PCR by used HRM. The study results of Myelin basic protein (MBP), Eotaxin-1, IL-23, IL -27, and alkaline phosphate were significantly higher in all MS patient groups p≤0.05. The results of genotypic frequencies of MS patients were In PD1 gene polymorphism rs2227981 GG was a higher risk of MS than the wild-type PD1 gene polymorphism rs2227981 AA with (OR= 12.8 (0.2-5.9 p=0.001), The PD1 gene polymorphism rs2227981 AG genotype has the second risk of MS after PD1 gene polymorphism rs2227981 GG with 3.92 fold high risk than the wild type AA (OR =3.92 (1.8-8.2) p=0.0003). The results of genotypic frequencies of MS patients were In PDL1 gene polymorphism rs2282055 TG was a higher risk of MS than the wild-type PDL1 gene polymorphism rs2282055 TT with (OR= 4.6 (2.0-10.7) p=0.003), the PD1 gene polymorphism rs2282055 GG genotype has the II second risk of MS after PDL1 gene polymorphism rs2282055 TG with 2.9 fold high risk than the wild type TT (OR =2.9 (0.9-8.7) p=0.05). In conclusion, according to this study, the results conclude that myelin basic protein (MBP), eotaxin-1, IL-23, 27, and alkaline phosphate can be used as diagnostic markers for multiple sclerosis.
AOncolytic Newcastle Disease Virus Combined with Nanoscale Modified Temozolomide to Overcome Glioblastoma Resistance
By:Zahraa Abbas Kadhim   Supervised By: Prof.Dr. Ghassan M. Sulaiman & Prof.Dr. Ahmed M. Al-Shammari    year:2022
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most frequent and severe kind of major malignant tumor of the central nervous system (CNS) that affects adults. Despite advances in surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, individuals with GBM still have a poor prognosis. The chemotherapy medication Temozolomide (TMZ) is most typically given orally following surgical excision of these malignancies. Because TMZ is an unstable chemical with a short half-life and dose-limiting adverse effects, it is not recommended for long-term usage. As a result, novel approaches, such as using biomaterials to preserve pharmaceuticals and improve the delivery of bioactive medications to cancer cells, are desperately needed. The copolymer Poly (D, Llactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) is a -hydroxy acid-derived polyester that has been widely employed for the creation of biodegradable microparticles due to its inert characteristics, high biocompatibility, and versatility. The human brain has been demonstrated to be biocompatible with PLGA. For the treatment of glioblastoma, PLGA has been frequently employed in the manufacture of TMZ-loaded particles by the method of emulsion solvent evaporation. The synthesis of Nanoparticles (TMZ-PLGANPs) was characterized using a variety of approaches, including UV-VIS spectroscopy, Zeta Potential Analysis and Particle Size, Fourier Transforms Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) studies were performed and proven the creation of nanoparticles. Where the UV-Vis spectroscopy analysis for Temozolomide indicated that the top peak for it could be seen at 328 nm when the top peak for PLGANP could be seen at 252 nm, TMZ-PLGANPs showed a top peak at 265 nm, Zeta Potential was -29.25 mV with the PDI value of 0.31 and mobility was -2.29 V/cm. FTIR was utilized to determine which functional groups are present n the TMZ, and TMZ-PLGANPs, as well as to estimate the chemical stability of the encapsulated substances within the nanoparticles. The presence of modified Temozolomide nanoparticles was proven by XRD, FESEM, and TEM studies, which detect that the prepared particles were spherical and had a smooth surface with a diameter ranging between 60-100 nm. Combination Therapy strives to improve each other’s therapeutic efficiency while lowering toxicity, side effects, and overcoming cancer cell resistance, which acts as a barrier to cancer treatment at low concentrations. Thus, against the human glioblastoma cancer cell line (AMGM5), the current study offered a novel combination treatment consisting of TMZ-PLGANPs and oncolytic Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The AMHA1 attenuated strain of NDV was cultured in pathogen-free chicken embryos, the Red Blood Cell (RBCs) conglomerate HA has been tested, and the virus was tittered in Vero-slammed cells to estimate the infective dosage TCID50. The invitro cytotoxic effects of NDV, TMZ, and TMZ-PLGANPs against human cancer cells (AMGM5) and the normal cell line Rat Embryo Fibroblast (REF) were investigated by using an MTT assay. The results showed a multiplicity of infection (MOI) and concentration-dependent cytotoxicity, the inhibitory concentrations (IC50) were found to (0.1, 0.5, and 1 MOI) for NDV, (1.56, 3.125, and 6.25 μgmL1 ) for TMZ, and (6.25, 12.5, and 25 μgmL-1 ) for TMZ-PLGANPs against (AMGM5) and low cytotoxicity on (REF) cells at 72 h. Using the Chou-Talalay analytical technique, the MTT viability test was utilized to examine any potential synergism. The in vitro research demonstrated that the combination therapy of (NDV+TMZ) and (NDV+TMZ-PLGANPs) had synergistic enhanced anticancer activity on the AMGM5 cancer cell line tested, and the results of this trial showed that the combination therapy (NDV+TMZ-PLGANPs) produced a higher GI percent than either therapy alone. Using the stain Crystal violet to assess the effectiveness of formation of cancerous colonies for each treatment alone and in combination on the AMGM5 cells at IC50 concentration for 72h. and the results indicated that combination therapy (NDV+TMZ-PLGANPs) decreased colonies number of AMGM5 cells more than each therapy alone. The morphological changes in AMGM5 cells were seen using a phase-contrast inverted microscope and crystal violet stain with IC50 concentrations of each treatment and the combination therapy. The findings revealed granulation and cell shrinkage, finally leading to the separation and floating of infected cells in the culture fluid. In vitro study also included stimulation of programmed cell death (apoptosis) in exposed AMGM5 cancer cells with suitable doses for NDV (0.5 MOI). TMZ (3.125 μgmL-1 ), TMZ-PLGANPs (12.5μgmL1), NDV+TMZ (0.5+3.125), and NDV+TMZ-PLGANPs (0.5+12.5) for 72h. by using (Acridine Orange and propidium iodide double stain). We found that the combination therapy of (NDV+TMZ-PLGANPs) stimulated apoptosis more than the virus or the drug alone. This work adds to the theoretical underpinning for the use of TMZ and NDV in combination treatment for GBM patients.
Analyze the Genomic Sequence of Covid 19 and Study the Relation with some Biochemical Parameters in Infected Iraqis
By:Rafah Ali Salih   Supervised By:Prof.Dr. Ali Abed-Alrahman Taha & Assist.Prof.Dr. Nadira Salman Mohammed   year: 2022
The severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus is the causative agent of the ongoing global pandemic of corona virus illness 2019 (COVID-19) (SARS-CoV-2). There have been a number of gene mutations that have appeared after the old version of the Wuhan strain (19A), and they are as follows: Alpha/UK on September, 2020; Beta/South Africa on September, 2020; Gamma/Brazil on December, 2020; Delta/India on December, 2020; Omicron/South Africa and Botswana on November, 2021). The first positive case in Iraq was discovered on February 26, 2020, in a patient from the governorate of Najaf, and was reported by the Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL) in Baghdad. Since then, investigations and positive cases for this virus and its variants have been reported throughout Iraq. The study aimed to detect the dominant variant in Iraq and characterization of the genomic sequences to determine the relationship of the severity of the disease with the variant of infected virus concern to biological parameters like; the gender, age, smoking, blood groups of patients, estimate the level of some liver enzymes, plasma proteins during infection, and determine some immunological parameters (WBCs, Lymphocytes, Il-10, Il- 18 IFN-γ and TNF- α) during infection. Nasopharyngeal swabs and venous blood samples were collected from Iraqi patients (100 samples), (55) males and (45) females from 1st of October 2020 to 1st of February 2021 from Al-Kindy Hospital / Baghdad, and Central Public Health Laboratory (CPHL) / Baghdad of different age groups. Patients were classified according to the severity of disease to five groups; asymptomatic, mild, moderate, severe and deceased according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). The virus was detected by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction. In patients aged between 15 and 90 years, there was a strong positive linear relationship (R2=0.91) between increasing age and increasing disease severity depending on the severity of the disease, a little statistically significant difference in the number of males and females infected with SARS-CoV-2, males were found to be more susceptible to infection than females in certain situations. Moreover, people with blood group (O) were more susceptible to infection because type (O) is more widely spread in the Middle East population than the other blood types, while type (B) revealed more resistance to infection, furthermore, smokers and nonsmokers were randomly distributed among different disease severities and thus, there was statistically non-significant association between smoking status and COVID-19 severity. The white blood cell counts (WBCs) showed irregular fluctuations among polynomial relationships with different disease severities; they were highest in moderate cases and lowest in mild cases, but the overall difference was not statistically significant. Lymphocyte counts showed a statistically significant inverse linear correlation with disease severity; the counts decreased progressively from asymptomatic and mild cases towards more severe forms. The decrease was most significant in severe cases and to a lesser extent in moderate cases. Moreover, interleukins (IL-10, IL-18, and TNF- α) were determined by using the Enzyme Linked Immunoassay Sorbent Assay (ELISA) technique. The results of all tested interleukins showed a statistically significant difference between groups of different disease severity. IL-10 was highest in mild and asymptomatic cases and showed a progressive decrease with increasing disease severity. The linear egression showed a strong inverse relation (R2 = 0.90) with disease severity, while Il-18 showed polynomial regression (R2 = 0.85) with fluctuating levels.The greatest drop was seen in severe and deceased cases in comparison to the highest levels in mild cases. TNF- α levels were also subjected to polynomial regression (R2 = 0.64). Initially increasing from asymptomatic to mild cases, its levels dropped with increasing disease severity. Three kinds of plasma proteins showed statistically significant differences, especially between the deceased groups. CRP levels showed a strong exponential relation (R2 = 0.98) with disease severity. Increased severity was associated with a progressive increase in CRP levels. D-dimer levels were significantly increased in deceased cases in comparison to the low levels in mild and moderate cases. They showed strong polynomial regression (R2 = 0.95) with disease severity, first decreasing from asymptomatic to its lowest level in moderate cases before increasing again to its highest levels in deceased cases. Serum ferritin levels showed a strong polynomial relation (R2 = 0.79), with fluctuation levels in different disease severities. Statistically significant levels were seen in moderate, severe, and deceased cases. On the other hand, potassium levels did not differ significantly in all groups examined. Furthermore, three liver enzymes, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), were examined and differed statistically significantly in all groups, and both enzymes had strong polynomial relationships with disease severity, gradually increasing from asymptomatic to mild to moderate, and decreasing slightly in severe cases. Before, there was another sharp increase in mortality, while the LDH level showed a statistically significant difference, especially in severe cases, and there was a strong positive linear relationship (R = 0.90) between LDH and increasing disease severity. The whole genetic sequence of five samples was determined during this study, three of which belonged to the original Wuhan strain (A19), which was more virulent at that time and was among the patient groups (moderate, severe, deceased) and led to the patients’ being admitted to isolation hospitals and Intensive Care Units (ICU), while the other two isolates belonged to the United Kingdom (UK Alpha V1) strain, which was in the (mild and asymptomatic) groups. The United Kingdom (UK Alpha V1) strain was characterized by its rapid spread, as it first appeared in September 2020 in England, which corresponds to the time of sample collection in this study in early 2021; it was also less virulent and spread more quickly than the Wuhan strain, which explains its presence among the two groups mentioned above.
Mycosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using Candida albicans and study their biological activities
By:Rana Ameen Hikmet   Supervised By:Prof. Dr. Nehia Neama Hussein    year: 2022
During the period from October to December of 2020, fifty isolates of Candida albicans, and ten isolates for each of Staphylococcus haemolyticus, and Klebsiella pneumoniae were collected from urine samples taken from children patients at Al-Elweya Children’s Teaching hospital in Baghdad/ Iraq. The isolates were diagnosed by conventional diagnosis methods, and then the diagnosis was confirmed using the VITEK2 system. The effectiveness of Candida albicans yeast in the mycosynthesis of silver nanoparticles was tested by mixing the Candida albicans supernatant with silver nitrate solution in concentration 2 mM. The mycosynthesized silver nanoparticles were identified by color visualization, ultraviolet-visible (UV) spectroscopy device, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-ray (EDX), Field emission Scanning electron microscope (FESEM), Zeta potential analysis, Raman analysis, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The UV-Vis spectroscopy examination has shown the highest absorbance (λmax) at the wavelength of 429 nanometers which indicator of the creation of silver nanoparticle, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) has shown the crystalline structure of silver nanoparticles, Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-ray (EDX) shows that the weight percentage of silver atoms in the sample was 82.4%, Field emission Scanning electron microscope (FESEM) has shown the morphology of silver nanoparticles is spherical, and its size is 40.19 nanometer. Zeta potential analysis has shown silver nanoparticles are middling stable in the solution, and the zeta potential of silver nanoparticles mycosynthesised by Candida albicans is (− 23.02) mV. Silver nanoparticles and silver nitrate inhibited the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus haemolyticus bacteria at concentrations (12.5, 25, 50, 100) μg/ml. The results showed that silver nanoparticles had a more inhibitory effect on bacterial growth than silver nitrate. The results revealed that Staphylococcus haemolyticus was more susceptible to silver nitrate and silver nanoparticles than Klebsiella pneumoniae. The combination of silver nanoparticles, Candida albicans supernatant, and silver nitrate with antibiotics was also examined for its synergistic effect. After being treated with silver nanoparticles at a concentration of 100 µg/ml, most of the results of studying the synergistic effect of silver nanoparticles on the growth of pathogenic bacteria isolates showed an increase in the diameters of the inhibition zone for antibiotics, with Gram-positive Staphylococcus haemolyticus being the bacteria most affected. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and of silver nanoparticles were also measured for Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus haemolyticus was (50, 25) μg/ml, respectively. While Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) for Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus haemolyticus was (100, 50) μg/ml, respectively The cytotoxic effect of silver nanoparticles against a human colon cancer cell line (HT-29) using the MTT assay showed the presence of toxic action against the cells, and no cytotoxic effect was observed on the untreated human colon cancer cell line (HT-29) with silver nanoparticles. The antioxidant activity of silver nanoparticles by using DPPH assay has shown 17.0%, 29.3%, 48.3%, 67.6%, 83.6% at concentrations (6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100) µg/ml, respectively. The impact of silver nanoparticles on the chromosomal pattern has also been studied.
A Study of Interferon Gamma Activity In Iraqi Patients With Breast Cancer Using Bioinformatics Methods
By:Noor Emad Hassan Al-khfaje    Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Abbas Abdullah Al-janabi   year: 2021
Cancer occurs when changes called mutations take place in genes that regulate cell growth. The mutations let the cells divide and multiply in an uncontrolled way. The aim of this study was to analyze function and structures of the IFN-y by using bioinformaticsmethods. IFN-γ, or type II interferon, is a cytokine that is critical for innate and adaptive immunity against viral, some bacterial and protozoan infections. IFN-γ is an important activator of macrophages and inducer of major histocompatibility complex class II molecule expression. Blood and serum samples were collected from Al – Amal National Hospital for Cancer Treatment in Baghdad/Iraq. The total number of samples in this study was 70 for patients suffering from breast cancer beside to 30 of healthy subjects as control samples. The collected serum was used for measuring the concentration of the IFN-γ protein by using ELISA technique. Total extracted DNA was obtained from whole blood of the studied samples. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used to amplify the IFN-γ gene regions by using specific primers. The obtained amplicon were sequenced with automated sequencer. Bioinformatics tools and methods were used for analyzing the function and predicting the structures of the IFN-y protein. The results revealed a significant increase in the mean value of serum IFN-γ protein in breast cancer patients in comparison with the normal Iraqi human (healthy control subjects) at (p˂0.05). BLAST program results showed mutations in intron and 4 exon of IFN-γ gene. These mutations were substitution and missense in patients. EMBOSS program was used to translate the nucleotide sequence of IFN-γ gene in all samples to the amino acids.Then BLASTx program was used to transalate the nucleotide sequence. The physiochemical properties of the primary structure of the IFN-γ protein were computed by using ProtParam program which showed the effect of mutations on molecular weight and stability of protein in comparison with healthy control. The results of the secondary and tertiary structures prediction were obtained by using PSI program and PHYRE2 server respectively. The function of the IFN-γ protein was analyzed by using STRING program that showed the impact of mutations in the function of the protein. Our findings revealed that IFN-γ can be considered as breast cancer marker that can be used in the diagnosis of breast cancer. The effect of mutations that occur in exon4 region had an impact on the translation process including the stability and the properly protein function.
Evaluation of LRP-1 and mir-205 Genes Expression and Some Biochemical Parameters in Iraqi Patients with Familial Hypercholesterolemia
By: Zinah Abdulkareem Ghareeb   Supervised By: Assist. Prof. Dr. Hiba Muneer Al-Khafaji   year:2021
Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) is a genetic disorder characterized by autosomal inheritance in genes related to LDL-C metabolism, with the major clinical features of hyper-LDL-cholesterol and premature coronary artery disease. The aims of this study are to determine the Expression of LRP-1 gene and mir-205 in different samples of familial hypercholesterolemia and hypercholesterolemia obtained from Ibn Al-Nafees Hospital for Cardiovascular Medicine and Surgery in Baghdad/Iraq and from Private Laboratories in Baghdad/Iraq. compared with samples of apparently healthy individuals, and to study the impact of changes in LRP-1 and mir-205 in order to elucidate possible susceptibility to cardiovascular diseases. In the present study, whole blood was collected from 150 individuals distributed into three groups as follows: Fifty samples from apparently healthy volunteers, fifty samples from patients with hypercholesterolemia and fifty samples from patients with Familial hypercholesterolemia. Total RNA and miRNA were extracted and total RNA and microRNA were converted to cDNA and the expression of LRP-1 and mir-205 were measured by qRT-PCR and comparative analysis method. Primers for this study were designed using bioinformatics programs and NCBI. Results reached significant in LRP-1 gene with (0.1445) folds of gene expression in familial hypercholesterolemia compared with apparently healthy group (1.00) folds of gene expression, while in hypercholesterolemia group was (0.5625) fold of gene expression in compared with apparently healthy group (1.00) folds of gene expression.There were significant variations in mir-205 results, with the amount of gene expression in familial hypercholesterolemia being higher (14.70) than the apparently healthy group (1.00), and the amount of gene expression in the hypercholesterolemia group being higher (4.08) than the apparently healthy group (1.00). The results showed that microRNA, which is known for gene silencing either through mRNA degradation or translation repression, may contribute in the down-regulation of LRP1 expression, as one microRNA, mir-205, has been reported to regulate LRP1. This mir-205 has been found to suppress LRP1 expression by limiting the translation of LRP1 mRNA into proteins without changing the mRNA level, which is consistent with our findings of lower LRP1 protein expression. As a result, mir-205 is overexpressed in the cardiovascular system, suppressing LRP1 translation and thereby lowering LRP1 protein levels. The results of this study showed that the correlation between parameters and study groups were a significant increase in the gender (p-value 0.0372), high significant in blood pressure, diabetes (p-value 0.0001) and smoking (p-value 0.0006). while, the results of effected gender on gene expression of LRP-1 show non-significant except gene expression of mir-205 in H shows a significant (pvalue 0.0499), effect of diabetes on gene expression of LRP-1 shows a significant (p-value 0.049). while, in mir-205 there was no significant. The results also show there were no significant between blood pressure, smoking and gene expression of LRP-1, mir-205. The results of this study showed that there was high significant the levels of (TC, TG, HDL, LDL, VLDL and vitamin D3) except (urea) was a significant. While, the results of (creatinine, FBS and Ca+2) showed a non-significant in both groups of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia and hypercholesterolemia compared to the apparently healthy group.The results of LRP-1, mir-205 genes expression with lipid profile (TC, TG, HDL, LDL and VLDL), kidneys functions (urea and creatinine), FBS, Ca+2 and Vitamin D3 showed there were positive strong correlation between the fold expression of mir-205 with triglyceride and VLDL (r= 0.28, P ≤0.05), (r= 0.27, P ≤0.05) respectively. Also, the result shows a strong negative correlation between cholesterol and mir-205 expression (r= -0.27, P ≤0.05). while, other parameters show no significant.
Molecular and In Silico Study of Transcription factor 7 Like 2 Gene in Diabetic Mellitus Type 2 of Iraqi patients
By:Batool Kareem Queen Awaad   Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Abbas Abdullah Al-janabi    year: 2021
In this research, the study aimed to analysis the sequence and structure of Transcription Factor 7 Like 2 gene (TCF7L2) in Iraqi Diabetic mellitus type II (T2DM) patients and compares with standard sequence form National Center of Bioinformatics Tools (NCBI) using BLAST. Blood samples of (75) (T2DM) Iraqi patients, was collected from Al-Mustansiriya University National Diabetes Centre in Baghdad province/Iraq (17-65 year), And (75) blood samples of healthy control was used to compared with the T2DM patients samples. Extracted DNA from whole blood of patient’s samples using the Quick-DNA™ Blood MiniPrep kit then sent the samples to Korea at Macrogen Corporartion Company, where they used automated DNA sequencing for sequence analysis. The results of the sequence analysis of (T2DM) patient’s samples, we found: many missense mutations, one deletion mutation, and thirteen silent mutations detected using BLAST in (NCBI). All mutations appeared at the same sites of the gene which controls the rate of genetic information transcription that indicates to have a relationship with (T2DM). These mutations were recorded on the (NCBI). The physicochemical properties of (TCF7L2) determined in the present study included; alpha-helical structure and 3-Dimension structure appeared contrast when compared with the gene template. Briefly, mutations effected (TCF7L2) which influences the structure, physicochemical properties of the protein, and the secretion of insulin hormone which is maintain glucose level in blood.
Analytical computation of interleukin 17 A Activity in Brest cancer patients using Bioinformatics methods.
By:Abdulrahman Saadi Mohammed   Supervised By: Prof.Dr. Abbas Abdullah Al- janabi   year: 2021
This study was contribute to analyze and understand the function of Interleukin-17A protein using bioinformatics methods, Interleukin-17A is a pro-inflammatory cytokine that belongs to the Interleukin-17 family. The Interleukin-17A gene encodes at Chr. 6 p12.2 The blood samples of the current study were collected from the Oncology Teaching Hospital for Cancer Treatment in Baghdad / Iraq, The total number of samples in this study was (60) for patients of breast cancer and (20) for healthy control subjects. Interleukin-17A protein level was measured in blood samples by ELISA technique after separating sera from other components the results was found that Interleukin17A concentration has been significantly elevated in patients with breast cancer, where DNA was extracted from whole blood samples and PCR was done using specific primers designed for the purpose of this study to amplify Interleukin-17A gene, where the gene sequence was obtained using an automated sequencer, and then bioinformatics methods were used to analyze the function and predicting the structures of the Interleukin17A protein. The results of the BLAST program, which is used to detect mutations in the rs2275913 region within the Interleukin-17A gene sequence, include substitution , frame shift and deletion mutations in breast cancer patients, where the BLASTX program was used for the purpose of translating the sequence of nucleotide to the amino acids sequence (protein sequence), The results show mutations in breast cancer patients that occur in the rs2275913, can affect the protein synthesis .The genetic alteration occurring in the sequence of the rs2275913 has an effect on the transcription and translation processes that cause alterations in mRNA and can be correlated with many diseases. The physiochemical properties of the primary protein composition were then calculated by using ProtParam program which the results showed molecular weight of Interleukin17A protein for patients with breast cancer were decreased or increased compared with healthy subjects. The results of the secondary and tertiary structures prediction were achieved by using PSI program and PHYRE2 respectively, the results showed that the mutation has affected the percentage of alpha helix, beta turns and random coil for breast cancer patients and the tertiary structure of Interleukin17A protein. The function of the Interleukin17A protein was analyzed by using STRING program that showed the impact of mutations in the function of the protein result is either a loss of function or a gain of function. From all the results that obtained in this study, we concluded that Interleukin17A protein can be considered as breast cancer marker that assist their diagnosis .The effect of mutations have impact on the translation process including the stability and the protein functions.
Detection of Antibiotic Resistance Gene in Klebsiella pneumoniae Isolated From Urinary Tract Infections
By:Halah Farazdaq Rafeeq    Supervised By: Assist. Prof. Dr. Zahraa Abdulmunim Sharba    year: 2021
Fifty isolates of Klebsiella pneumoniae were collected from 133 urine samples from persons suffering from urinary tract infection from the period (2020/07/1) to (2020/09/25) from various laboratories. These isolates consist of 13 males and 37 females. Their ages ranged between (19-55) years. Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates were identified by several methods, including microscopy, culturing them on different culture media, several biochemical tests, and in addition, they were identified by the Vitek2Compact device. The antibiotic susceptibility test was done by the Kirby–Bauer disk diffusion technique. The results show that about [n=46(92%)] of Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates are multidrug resistant (MDR). The biofilm production of Klebsiella isolates was detected using a 96-well microtiter plates. The results show that [n=24 (48%)] of isolates form strong biofilm, [n=12 (24%)] form moderate biofilm, [n=10 (20%)] form weak biofilm, and [n=4 (8%)] do not form biofilm. The Modified Double Disc Synergy Test (MDDST) was conducted to detect the production of Extended Spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) enzymes. The results show that approximately [n=45 (90%)] of the isolates produce ESBLs. The most common ESBL genes (TEM, SHV and CTX-M) were investigated in isolates. The results show that the SHV gene was the most popular among ESBL genes [n=34(68%)] then, the CTX-M gene [n=33(66%)]. while none of the isolates possessed the TEM gene. Virulence factor type 3 fimbriae (MrKD) gene and biofilm (BssS) gene were revealed. The results found that the isolates contain MrKD gene at [n=41 (82%)]. Also, it was found that the MrKD gene exists in all isolates that produce biofilm. These results suggest that there is a link between biofilm development and the presence of the MrKD gene. Whereas the results found that the isolates contain BssS gene at [n=36 (72%)]. The BssS gene is present in all isolates that produce strong and moderate biofilm, but is not present in isolates that produce weak biofilm or not produce biofilm. The prevalence Virulence genes within ESBL-producing K. pneumoniae isolates show that only [n=3 (6%)] of isolates which are non-ESBL producers carry one or both virulence genes, while [n=41 (82%)] of ESBLproducing isolates contain one or both virulence genes. The effect of Tea tree oil and Cinnamon oil on the mature biofilm of Klebsiella isolates was studied, and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the oils were determined. The results showed that the (MIC) for Tea tree oil is 0.25% and (MBC) 0.5%. While (MIC) for Cinnamon oil is 0.125% and (MBC) 0.25%. The results showed that both oils had good efficacy against strong biofilm for K. pneumoniae isolates. But in comparison between them, Cinnamon oil showed better results. The effectiveness of the two oils was studied together using the Checkerboard technique. And the results showed the antagonistic effect.
Layer-by-Layer Nanoparticles for Anticancer Drug Delivery System and for Potential Triple Negative Breast Cancer Treatmen
By:Ali Adnan Al-jubori    Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Ghassan M. Sulaiman & Prof.Dr. Amer T. Tawfeeq    year: 2021
Triple-Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) is one of the most deadly and aggressive forms of breast cancer. Because of the complete negative receptors, this kind of breast cancer has a poor prognosis and few therapeutic choices. The majority of therapies for this condition have failed due to low bioavailability, solubility, and selectivity. Layer by Layer (LbL) is a novel approach suggested for this illness. In the present study, the Tamoxifen/Resveratrol were prepared by LbL nanoparticles based on drug delivery system for potential evolve activity of therapeutic properties against TNBC cells the synthesis through a hydrotrope method using Poloxamer407, Glyceryl monooleate, Chitosan and Hyaluronic acid polymers which act as encapsulating agents. The current method was simple and low cost. There are several characterization techniques to Tamoxifen/Resveratrol Layer by Layer-Liquid Crystalline Nanoparticles (TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs) such as UV-VIS spectroscopy, Fourier Transforms Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Zeta Potential Analysis and Particle Size, Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FESEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) studies were performed and confirmed the synthesis of nanoparticles. Where the UV-Vis spectroscopy analysis for tamoxifen indicated that the top peak for it could be seen at 207 nm, when the top peak for resveratrol could be seen at 308 nm, TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs showed top peak at 226 nm, FTIR analysis was used to evaluate the molecular states and functional groups of TAM/RES-LbLLCNPs. XRD, FESEM and TEM studies confirmed the existences of TAM/RESLbL-LCNPs. These results confirmed the conversion of TAM/RES to its amorphous state without probable chemical interaction that could result in enhanced TAM/RES solubility also showed that the prepared particles were spherical in shape and have a smooth surface with the diameter ranging between 180–205 nm. Zeta Potential was +45.05 mV with the PDI value 0.089 and mobility was 0.89 V/cm. The effect of TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs on structural alteration of the DNA double helix sample induced by DNA damage was investigated, and the results revealed that TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs can reduce H2O2 activity and induced DNA damage due to its ability to scavenge ROS due to its antioxidant property, and that this reduction effect is concentration dependent. Hemolysis activity of TAM/RESLbL-LCNPs was investigated. The results show TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs biocompatible and safely which gave a dissolution rate of 4.7% at a concentration of 100µgmL-1 , which is the value allowed internationally by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The cytotoxicity effect of TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs was assessed against the human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7) and Triple negative (CAL-51) by using MTT assay, the results showed a concentration-dependent cytotoxicity, the inhibitory concentrations (IC50) was found to be 6.13 μgmL-1 and 4.62 μgmL-1 for TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs against (MCF-7) and (CAL-51) at 24 hours. The second technique was carried out by using clonogenic survival assay of MCF-7 and CAL51 cell lines with TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs at three concentrations of 2.5,5 and 10μgmL-1 . The concentration was performed for 24 hours, and the results indicated that TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs reduced the number of colonies of MCF-7 and CAL51 cells. The apoptosis was studied in both cell lines after treatment with TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs through six types of assessments, which are hematoxylin, eosin, acridine orange, ethidium bromide and gene expression of p53 and caspase8 analysis. The results revealed that TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs induced cell death only through apoptosis which detected by the above-mentioned assessments and increased nuclear morphological alterations. In an in-vivo assessment of toxicity in an animal model, findings showed that there was no statistically significant difference in body weight between TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs-treated mice and control mice (P ≥ 0.05). The levels of Alanine transaminase (ALT), Aspartate transaminase (AST), and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in blood were examined as a measure of hepatic functioning, and the levels of Blood urea (BU), Creatinine (Cr), and Uric acid (UA) as a measure of renal functionality. At contrast to the healthy control, no significant statistical changes (P ≥ 0.05) were detected for the evaluated indicators in both dosages of 25mg/Kg and 150mg/Kg. And histopathological were estimated after 14 days of intraperitoneal injection with two doses; 25mg/Kg and 150mg/Kg. Our findings show that TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs have no adverse effects and might be employed in clinical trials in the future, also have less toxicity on DNA molecule in normal cells, good hemocompatibility through less hemolytic toxicity on RBCs, It is also have toxic activities against human breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7 and CAL-51 through actively targeting cancer cells that overexpress CD44-receptors. TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs lead to cellular morphological alteration and mitochondrial dysfunction, and such effects accompanied with DNA damage in both cancer cell line triple positive and negative breast cancer, Furthermore, could successfully enhance pharmaceutical properties and therapeutic potency of TAM/RES-LbL-LCNPs paving the way for its safe use in cancer therapy.
Production of Biosurfactant from Yeasts to Increase the Efficiency of Biodegradability of Crude Oil
By:Zeena Ali Ibrahim    Supervised By: Prof. Prof. Dr. Amal Ali Hussein & Prof. Dr. Saad Hussein Khudhair    year: 2021
In the last decade studies and applications on biosurfactant s were established due to their high efficiency to mix up between two immiscible liquids in the form of emulsions or micro-droplets. In January/2020 yeasts were collected from three types of commercial yeast and isolated from two species of fruits (kiwi and orange) and from two species of vegetables (cucumber and green pepper). Fourteen yeast isolates were tested for their ability to produce biosurfactant by measuring its emulsification index only one isolate from commercial yeast was able to produce biosurfactant with a high emulsification index (58%). Saccharomyces cerevisiae was used for the production of intracellular and extracellular biosurfactant, the intracellular biosurfactant showed good ability to reduce the surface tension of distilling water from 70mN/m to 56mN/m , also it was able to spread the oil layer 10mm. The emulsification index (E24) of the intracellular biosurfactant against crude oil, machine oil, olive oil & cooking oil were 100, 80, 35 and 56 % respectively. The crude biosurfactant was partially purified by ethanol precipitation method and E24 was used to determine any remaining activity of it showed 48% but the formed emulsion wasn’t stable as the crude biosurfactant. The protein and sugar content of intracellular biosurfactant were 578.4μg/ml and 312 μg/ml respectively, also Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy was used to determine the functional groups of the biosurfactant it showed the biosurfactant contained functional groups that belonged to protein glucan and mannan. The crude biosurfactant was used to aid the biodegradation of crude oil by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the degradation of crude oil was observed during 30 days and gas chromatography –mass spectroscopy was used to detect the degradation and components of a control crude oil (negative control), positive control without biosurfactant and with biosurfactant the best biodegradation percentage was the positive control with 1ml of biosurfactant (50.4%) when compared to positive control without biosurfactant (33.25%) and the less biodegradation rate was with 1.5ml of biosurfactant (26.16%). Also Saccharomyces cerevisiae was also tested for the ability to produce extracellular biosurfactant. The carbon sources that were used for this purpose were glucose, crude oil, olive oil and cooking oil. The biosurfactant reduced the surface tension from 68mN/m to 56, 58, 53and 54mN/m for each sample respectively and were able to spread the crude oil to 3, 45, 40and 35 mm respectively. Antimicrobial activity of the biosurfactant was tested against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus haemolyticus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa only S. haemolyticus showed an inhibition zone of 3mm. The methods that were used to determine the efficiency of the produced biosurfactant (intracellularly and extracellularly) showed that the intracellular biosurfactant was better in reducing surface tension but the extracellular biosurfactant didn’t show a remarkable results of the reduction of surface tension. However the production cost of the extracellular biosurfactant was lower than the production cost of the intracellular biosurfactant due to the use of carbon sources that enhanced the production of biosurfactant with no need for any interfere to extract it.
Bioinformatics Study of HLA-G Gene in Patients with Breast Cancer
By:Mohammed Mushtaq Talib Sharba   Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Abbas Abdullah Al-janabi    year: 2021
The work in this study contribute to understand of HLA-G protein using bioinformatics methods, HLA-G protein is one of the non_classical major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) also known as human leukocyte antigen (HLA) in human which found on the surface of the leukocyte and it is encoded by HLA-G gene at position 6p22.1. Blood and serum samples were collected from Al-Amal National Hospital for Cancer Treatment in Baghdad province / Iraq. The total number of samples in this study was (70) of breast cancer patients and (30) for healthy control subjects. The serum of the study samples was used to measure the HLA -G protein by using ELISA technique. The DNA extracted from the whole blood of the samples and the primers were designed to be used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR), these primers to amplify the region of the HLA-G gene, the sequence of HLA-G gene was obtained by automated sequencer followed by the use of various bioinformatics tools and methods for analyzing the function and predicting the structure of HLA-G protein. BLAST programs result showed mutations in exon 8 of the HLA-G gene these mutations were substitution, frame shift, missense in patient with breast cancer. BLASTx program was used to translate the nucleotide sequence (protein sequence). The physiochemical properties of the primary structure of the human leukocyte antigen-G protein were computed by using ProtParam program which showed the effect of mutations on the molecular weight, stability of the protein comparison with healthy control. The results of the secondary and tertiary structures prediction were achieved by using PSI program and PHYRE2 server. The function of the human leukocyte antigen-G protein was analyzed by using STRING program that showed the impact of mutation in the function of the protein. From all the results that obtained in this study, we concluded that HLA-G protein can be considered as breast cancer marker that assist their diagnosis. the effect of mutations that occur in exon 8 region have impact on the translation process including the stability of the properly protein function.
Gene Expression of the Gene Fosl-1 and The Association of rs 1892901 SNP with Different Types of Cancer
By:Safa Ahmed Abed    Supervised By: Assist. Prof. Dr. Hiba Muneer Al-Khafaji    year: 2021
Cancer is a disease occurs due to genetic changes. Both genomic profiling and mutational analysis in the last years have been taken place in the progress of thyroid, breast and prostate cancer. The aims of this study are to determine the Expression of fosl_1 in different samples of thyroid, breast and prostate cancer obtained from Al – Amal National Hospital for Cancer Treatment in Baghdad/Iraq. compared with samples of apparently healthy individuals, and to study the impact of changes in fosl_1 in order to elucidate possible susceptibility to thyroid, breast and prostate cancer. In the present study, whole blood was isolated from 100 individuals distributed into four groups as follows: v Twenty-five samples from patients with thyroid cancer. v Twenty-five samples from patients with breast cancer. v Twenty-five samples from patents with prostate cancer. v Twenty-five samples from apparently healthy volunteers. Total RNA and DNA were extracted and total RNA was converted to cDNA and the expression of fosl_1 was measured by qRT-PCR and comparative analysis method. Primers and probes for this study were designed using bioinformatics programs and NCBI Results reached significant in fosl_1 gene with 4.331 folds of gene expression in prostate cancer compared with healthy group 1.00 folds of gene expression, while in breast cancer group and thyroid it was 3.931 fold and 3.260 folds of gene expression in compared with healthy group 1.00 folds of gene expression. The results of polymorphism in single nucleotides showed an important role in the development of breast and prostate cancer and that the presence of these SNPs has a role in increasing the susceptibility of individuals to cancer, as the variation in the AA genotype at the site followed by the GA genotype at the same site shows high-risk damage. The results of this study indicate that the gene expression of FOSL_1 can provide an initial picture of the predisposition of prostate cancer. Our study also demonstrated that (rs 1892901) SNP of fosl_1 gene is associated with an increased risk of prostate and breast cancer among the Iraqi population unlike the thyroid cancer which shows non-significant difference with the control. Also, the analysis of nucleotide sequences using bioinformatics programs showed that there are a number of variants in the fosl_1 gene that may be associated with cancer Nucleotide polymorphism variants and different genotypes of fosl_1 gene have important roles in the development of cancer. Their application on cancer patients could discriminate those with high susceptibility to DNA damage from those with low susceptibility.
Physical detoxification of bacterial toxins and preparation of nanotoxoid to evaluate the in vitro immune response
By:Mohamad Jawad Khadum    Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Ali A. Taha & Prof. Dr. Selma M.H Al-Jawad    year: 2020
Staphylococcus aureus is one of the major bacterial human pathogens that cause a wide range of clinical aspect and its infection is common in both the community as well as in the hospitals. S.aureus produces a number of harmful toxins. The α-hemolysin is the most notable toxin that can be determined by its property as an analytical marker of red blood cells. Hemolysis referred to the α-toxin that based on its wide range of cellular privacy, causes injury in the context of skin necrosis and deadly infection. In the present study, S. aureus hemolysin was used as a model of the toxin that produced from pathogenic strain of S. aureus, isolated from patient wounds. The toxin was produced from S. aureus after 40 hrs of incubation at 37 ºC in tryptic soy broth medium. The supernatant was precipitated after centrifugation with 75% ammonium sulfate before purification by DEAE- cellulose and sephacryl-S200 chromatography, the molecular weight of obtained α-hemolysin toxin was 36.545 KD. Detoxification of pure hemolysin had been done under incubation temperatures of 30-70 ºC and two types of UV light. On the other hand, calcium phosphate nanoparticles (CAP) was prepared and characterized by UV-VIS spectrophotometer, Scanning electron microscope (SEM), Zeta potential, Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The CAP-NPs appeared spherical in shape with diameter average 36-67 nm, while zeta potential of CAP-NPs was -34.47 mV. Moreover, the FTIR analysis revealed the presence of the (C-H) bond recorded at 2924.09, 2854.65 cm−1, while wavenumber 1400.32, 1593.2 cm−1 referred to the presence of carbonate groups (C≡O) group. Furthermore, the (P-O) stretching of phosphate absorption bands was seen at 1072.42, 1280.73 cm−1 . The XRD pattern revealed crytallinity of free CAP-NPs displayed by three distinct diffraction peaks at 25, 31and 41degrees. On the other hand, the transform of CAP-NPs from crystallinity to the amorphous state was observed in the XRD pattern when combined with hemolysin. CAP-NPs were used as neoadjuvant to combine detoxified hemolysin. The combination was used to induce T-lymphocyte transformation and cytokines secretion in vitro. Lymphocyte proliferation with 1.4µg/ml detoxified hemolysin was six times higher than control, while 0.7µg/ml of detoxified hemolysin increased proliferation to 4.5 fold compared to the negative control. Two examined concentrations of 0.7 and 1.4μg/ml of detoxified hemolysin was used to stimulate cytokines production. IL1β production was stimulated to 2.8 and 16.4 pg/ml, while IL-6 was stimulated to 1 and 18pg/ml, respectively.
A study of some immunological parameters induces by Gold Nanoparticles
By:Rua Jawad Kadhim   Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Majid S. Jabir    year: 2020
In the present study, gold nanoparticles (GNP) have been verified by UV-visible spectroscopic analysis, it showed normal UV-visible absorption spectra of GNPs. The top peak of gold nanoparticles could be observed at (525) nm. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) has used for studying the morphology of GNPs and for detecting the size and shape of the GNPs. It showed the spherical form of gold nanoparticle with diameter 10 nm. In the current study, the in vitro effects of GNPs as anti-inflammatory agents was measured by treated of Bone marrow derived macrophages BMDMs to LPS and ATP in the presence and absence of (25 µg/ml) and (50 µg/ml) GNPs. The results show that GNPs inhibited LPS, ATP induced interleukin 6 (IL-6), IL-1 β, and Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) production by BMDMs cells in a dose dependent manner. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated the effect of GNPs on the activity of phagocytic cells against S.auerus bacteria, E. coli bacteria, and against Ehrlich ascites tumors EAT and overian cancer cells (SKOV-3) In-vivo and In-vitro model. GNPs markedly increased the percentage activity of phagocytic human neutrophils after infection with S.aurues following adding GNPs at 10µg/ml. Also, pre-treated BMDMs by GNPs at concentration 10µg/ml showed significant increase in intracellular killing activity of the S.aurues and E.coli. Likewise there was considerable increase in phagosomal acidification of these cells. Upon bacterial challenge, GNPs showed induction of the clearance activity of the bacteria that was accompanied by significant improvement of the maturation of the phagosomes and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) through the NOX2 machinery. It is likely that part of the antibacterial efficacy of the tested nanoparticles was the results of increased phagocytic cells’ biological activity. The decrease in bacterial survival in GNPs-treated phagocytic cells was correlated with induced reactive oxygen responses towards the invading pathogenic bacterial strains. The effect of GNPs on the tumorcidal activity of the peritoneal macrophage against Ehrlich Ascites tumor cells have been assessed, the results demonstrate that GNPs cause considerable elimination of EAT cells when treated with single dose 10 µg/kg. GNPs also increase phagocytic activity of BMDMs against ovarian cancer cells (SKOV-3) when treated BMDMs with 10 µg/ml of GNPs. To study more immunological markers induce by GNPs, the effect of GNPs on the autophagy pathway was investigated. BMDMs were pre-treated for 1 hr with GNPs at concentration (10 µg/ml) and then treated with LPS, ATP for 24 h. The results showed that the GNPs increased the process of autophagy. Finally, The toxicity GNPs using animal model were investigated. Animal’s body weight, liver and kidney function enzymes, and histological alterations for liver, kidney, and lungs were addressed. The findings demonstrated that nanoparticles were biocompatible with liver and kidney function enzymes and no significant alterations were recorded in the liver, kidney and the lungs.The present work exhibited that GNPs could modulate immune system parameters. Taken together, the results of the current study demonstrated that GNPs could be used clinically for therapeutic purposes in the futur.