عن الفرع
نشأة الفرع
تأسس فرع الفيزياء التطبيقية منذ تأسيس قسم العلوم التطبيقية عام 1976 حيث كان الفرع يهتم بتدريس مادة الفيزياء في جميع الاقسام الهندسية في الجامعة التكنولوجية. وكان في بداية تأسيسه يمنح شهادة الماجستير في الفيزياء التطبيقية. يهدف الفرع لأعداد كوادر علمية متخصصة بموضوع الفيزياء التطبيقية تخدم المسيرة العلمية في البلد من خلال عملها في المؤسسات التعلمية والبحثية، حتى يتسنى لها العمل في مجالات المختلفة مثل مجالات الطاقة والبيئة والصحة والنفط والصناعة والتربية والتعليم. ويجتهد الفرع للمساهمة في حل المشاكل التي تنشأ في قطاعات العمل المختلفة من خلال البحوث الريادية او البحوث التي يجريها اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية او بحوث طلبة الدراسات العليا. وايضا تنمية قدرات اعضاء هيئة التدريس والفنيين والعاملين الاداريين بالفرع.
الرؤيا والاهداف
يتطلع فرع الفيزياء التطبيقية الى ان يكون في مقدمة الافرع العلمية سواء من الناحية الاكاديمية كالتدريس والبحث العلمي او من الناحية الاجتماعية كخدمة المجتمع, وان يكون ركيزة اساسية في دعم ابحاث ومشاريع البلد وذلك بالتعاون والمشاركة مع الافرع العلمية الاخرى من داخل الجامعة وخارجها بالجامعات العراقية ومع مؤسسات والهيئات الحكومية والخاصة وذلك على المستوى العربي والعالمي لدعم تقدم البلد.
إعداد كوادر علمية تعتمد الجانب التطبيقي والتقني على مستوى تعليمي متميز ينسجم ومعايير الجودة والاعتماد الوطنية والعالمية من خلال إجراء البحوث والدراسات وتقديم الاستشارات التي تصب في خدمة الجامعة والمجتمع المحلي والإقليمي.
• تكوين قاعدة اساسية من مناهج الفيزياء العامة والتطبيقية وخطة دراسية متناغمة تخدم اهداف الجامعة.
• تقديم مستوى راق من التعليم لمراحل البكالوريوس والدراسات العليا وذلك بالمحافظة على مستوى عال من المقررات الدراسية واستخدام اساليب متميزة في التدريس والتقييم المستمر والتطوير للبرامج والمقررات.
• اعداد الطالب اعدادا سليما في اصول ومبادئ الفيزياء واستخدام التخصصات التطبيقية التي تتناغم مع رؤية البلد للمستقبل.
الكادر التدريسي
ت | الاسم الثلاثي | الشهادة | اللقب العلمي |
1 | عدي محسن نايف | دكتوراه | استاذ |
2 | سلمى محمد حسين | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
3 | مخلص مولود إسماعيل | دكتوراه | استاذ |
4 | وفاء عبد الخالق حسين | دكتوراه | استاذ |
5 | عدي محمود عبدالحسين | دكتوراه | استاذ |
6 | ضحى سعدي احمد | دكتوراه | استاذ |
7 | بان خالد محمد | دكتوراه | استاذ |
8 | عدي نعيم سلمان | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
9 | سمير حبيب ناشر | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
10 | ربيعه قاسم نائل | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
11 | سعاد سالم شاكر | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
12 | هيثم طالب حسين | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
13 | نور علي حسن محمد | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
14 | اثير جواد كاظم | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
15 | احمد ستار جبار | دكتوراه | ستاذ مساعد |
16 | محمد سهام رشيد | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
17 | بان ايوب يوسف | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
18 | محمد عبد الستار ابراهيم | دكتوراه | استاذ مساعد |
19 | اثير ابراهيم عبدعلي | دكتوراه | مدرس |
20 | علاء الدين صالح ياسين | دكتوراه | مدرس |
21 | زهراء صالح احمد | دكتوراه | مدرس |
22 | شيماء نعمان إسماعيل | دكتوراه | مدرس |
23 | بهاء عبدالحسن جواد | دكتوراه | مدرس |
24 | ايه صباح نوري | دكتوراه | مدرس |
25 | مريم ازهر علي | دكتوراه | مدرس |
26 | ياسر عباس علي | دكتوراه | مدرس |
27 | عبد الرسول جبار كاطع | دكتوراه | مدرس |
28 | عمار مخلف جاسم | ماجستير | مدرس |
29 | زينه فوزي كاظم | ماجستير | مدرس |
30 | جبار حسين خليف | ماجستير | مدرس |
31 | رافد صبار زامل | ماجستير | مدرس |
32 | نور خطاب عمر | ماجستير | مدرس |
33 | نوار عبداللطيف يوسف | ماجستير | مدرس |
34 | مهند ضياء حمودي | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
35 | علي عوده عبد | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
36 | حنان عدنان روضان | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
37 | رفل داود علي | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
38 | حوراء هادي عباس | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
39 | دعاء باسل فهد | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
40 | علي جعفر هادي | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
41 | حنين مثنى عواد | ماجستير | مدرس مساعد |
الفرق البحثية
مختبرات فرع الفيزياء التطبيقية | ||
ت | اسم المختبر | نشاط المختبر |
1 | الحالة الصلبة | يهدف الى تعزيز المفاهيم الخاصة بالمواد الصلبة وكيفيه استخدامها في اجهزه معينه |
2 | البصريات | يهدف المختبر الى دارسة البصريات الهندسية واكساب الطالب المهارة العلمية والعملية من خلال التعرف على الظواهر العديدة الناتجة عن التعامل مع مصادر الاشعة كالليزر حيث يتم تغطية التجارب المتعلقة بالانكسار والانعكاس والبعد البؤري للمرايا والعدسات خلال الفصل الدراسي |
3 | الالكترونيك | مختبر الالكترونيك واحد من المختبرات التي تبين للطالب كيفية بناء وتصميم الدوائر الالكترونية حيث يعطي مجموعة من التجارب المرتبطة بالجانب النظري الذي يدرسه الطالب في المرحلة الثالثة حيث يغطي المختبر المواضيع الرئيسية وهي دراسة خصائص الثنائي البلوري وانواعها ، واستخدامات الثنائي البلوري |
4 | الكهربائية | يتضمن الاطلاع على الاجهزة الكهربائية ومعرفة مكوناتها وكيفية ربط الدائرة الكهربائية وتشغيلها وتعلم قراءة هذه الاجهزة وايضا يهدف هذا المختبر على تعلم مجموعة من أجهزة التوليد وعرض الشاشة الكهربائية والاجهزة المختبرية المتعددة لقياس المقاومة والفولتية والتيارات الكهربائية المستمرة والمتناوبة |
5 | الثرموداينمك | يهدف المختبر في تعريف الطلبة بالتجارب المختلفة التي تخص الديناميكا الحرارية وتدريبهم على التعامل مع الاجهزة اضافة الى تدعيم الافكار النظرية التي يدرسونها لاكتساب معلومات حول طرائق انتقال الطاقة الحرارية وتأثير الطاقة الحرارية بالمواد وكيفية تصنيف المواد اعتمادا على قدرتها على نقل الطاقة الحرارية |
6 | النظائر | الاطلاع على عمل الكواشف النووية وعملية امتصاص المواد للأشعة النووية والعمليات الإشعاعية العشوائية و التعرف على مصادر الاشعة النووية ومعرفة الاشعاع و مقدار الجرعة الاشعاعية وكيفية قايسها وحدود التعرض المسموح بها اضافة الى استخدام اجهزة القياس الخاصة بالإشعاع . |
7 | الدوائر الكهربائية | تمكين طلبة المرحلة الثانية من اكتساب المهارات ألأساسية في كيفية بناء الدوائر الكهربائية البسيطة و كيفية استخدام أجهزة الفحص والقياس ألأساسية , حيث يتعرف الطالب في البداية على كيفية التعامل مع اجهزة قياس فرق الجهد والتيار والمقاومة وكيفية استخدامها عمليا والتعرف على تطبيق قانون اوم وانواع ربط الدوائر الكهربائية ( ربط التوالي , ربط التوازي , الربط المختلط ) |
8 | الليزر | يهدف المختبر إلى تعليم طلبة المرحلة الثالثة مفاهيم تصاميم منظومات الليزر المختلفة مثل ليزرات الحالة الصلبة و الغازية و السائلة من خلال إجراء تجارب تتناول الجوانب الهندسية والعلمية لمنظومات الليزر |
9 | الميكانيك | المختبر مخصص لطلبة المرحلة الاولى وفيه يتم تدريب الطلبة على كيفية تفسير النظريات الفيزيائية بشكل عملي وبعض التطبيقات مثل ايجاد سرعة الصوت عملياً وايجاد معامل اللزوجة عملياً وتوضيح فكرة السقوط الحر للأجسام عملياً كذلك معرفة كيفية تعيين معامل الاحتكاك بين سطحين اساسيات النابض الحلزوني وعجلة ماكسويل تعيين معامل يونك بطريقة استاتيكيه وماهو الصونوميتر وحساب الاوزان، البكرات ،قوانين نيوتن، وسرعة الصوت في الهواء. |
رواد الفرع
الدراسات الاولية
نبذة تعريفية عن الدراسة:
: لا توجد اقسام مناظرة في كليات العلوم في الجامعات العراقية الى فرع الفيزياء التطبيقية ,بل يوجد اقسام للفيزياء النظرية , حيث تعتمد الدراسات الأولية في الفرع منهاجاً تعليمياً متطوراً يدرس الطالب فيه وعلى مدى السنوات الأربع أساسيات علم الفيزياء والتركيز على الجانب العملي التطبيقي حيث يمارس خلالها الطالب جانباً تطبيقياً في المختبرات الأولية يكون مرافقاً للمنهاج النظري لزيادة قابلية الأدراك للظواهر الفيزيائية وخصوصاً تلك التي يكون لها صلة مباشرة بالحياة العامة ويمكنهم من مواصلة دراساتهم العليا وان يقدموا دوراً متميزاً في البحث والتطوير والعمل في المنشآت العلمية والصناعية. يوجد في فرع الفيزياء التطبيقية العديد من التخصصات (النانوتكنولوجي- مواد الطبية وفيزياء الحيوية فيزياء اشعاعية- المواد المغناطيسية -الحالة الصلبة واشباه الموصلات- والمواد النانوية- فيزياء المواد)
مجالات عمل الخريجين:
مجالات العمل للخريج من الفرع هي المجالات الصناعية والمؤسسات والمراكز البحثية بالإضافة الى وزارت الدولة مثل وزارة الصناعة والمعادن، وزارة البيئة، وزارة النفط, وزارة الدفاع , وزارة الكهرباء, وزارة الصحة, وزارة العلوم والتكنولوجيا, وزارة التربية ,وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي .
مدة الدراسة :
اربع سنوات
القسم العلمي الذي يمنح الشهادة:
العلوم التطبيقية في الجامعة التكنولوجية
الخلفية العلمية للطلبة المقبولين على دراسة البكلوريوس :
يقبل الفرع خريجي الإعدادية الفرع العلمي حسب الضوابط والمعدلات التي تحددها وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي.
الدراسات العليا
الخلفية العلمية للطلبة المقبولين لدراسة الماجستير:
يكلوريوس علوم في الفيزياء التطبيقية او بكلوريوس علوم في الفيزياء.
الخلفية العلمية للكادر التدريسي:
يضم فرع الفيزياء التطبيقية كوكبة من حملة شهادة الدكتوراه والماجستير والبكالوريوس في علوم الفيزياء
يمنح الفرع الاختصاصات في دراسة الماجستير:
يمنح فرع الفيزياء التطبيقية درجة الماجستير في العلوم التطبيقية / تخصص فيزياء تطبيقية.
البرنامج الاكاديمي
وصف البرنامج الاكاديمي للفرع
- وصف البرنامج الاكاديمي للفرع للعام الدراسي 2016-2017
- وصف البرنامج الاكاديمي للفرع للعام الدراسي 2019-2020
- وصف البرنامج الاكاديمي للفرع للعام الدراسي 2020-2021
- وصف البرنامج الاكاديمي للفرع للعام الدراسي 2021-2022
- وصف البرنامج الاكاديمي للفرع للعام الدراسي 2022-2023
- وصف البرنامج الاكاديمي للفرع للعام الدراسي 2023-2024
وصف المقرر للبرنامج الاكاديمي
المسار البولوني للفرع
شؤون الطلبة
أطاريح الماجستير لفرع الفيزياء التطبيقية
Study Some physical properties and color stability of manufactured dental ceramics
By:Saja Moussa Jawad, Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Enas Muhi Hadi
year: 2024
Color is among the most important factors that affect the aesthetic appearance of artificial teeth were prepared by using 3% yttria-stabilized tetragonal zirconia polycrystalline (3%Y-TZP) in
four zirconia systems (Z-Y, Z-T, Z-T-A, Z-T-G), Titania (TiO2) nano and micro was added in
weight ratios (2,4,15,20,25) %. Alumina (Al2O3) was added in weight ratios (6.5 and 12) %.
and lithium disilicate glass (Li2Si2O5) was added in weight ratios (12.5 and 25) %. The
specimens were formed using a uniaxial hydraulic press at a pressure of 3 tons and sintered for
(2 hrs.) at 1200 ◦C, 1400 ◦C, and 1500 ◦C, several properties were examined physical,
mechanical, and structural properties Also, thermal conductivity, and both surface roughness
and microhardness all were studied before and after immersion in artificial saliva and tea.
Where the specimens were immersed in artificial saliva for (24 hrs) for three months, and then
the specimens were immersed in tea for half an hour daily for three months. The x-ray
diffraction (XRD) results show the tetragonal phase as the main phase with a small percentage
of monoclinic phase due to 3% yttria addition and tetragonal zirconia has excellent mechanical
properties such as fracture toughness. and scanning electron microscope (SEM) results indicate
homogeneous grain distribution and low apparent porosity. At 1500°C, the addition of 25%
nano titania decreased apparent porosity from 0.2 to 0.05, 16% titania-alumina decreased it
from 0.2 to 0.04, and 29% titania-glass decreased it from 0.2 to 0.03. Water absorption
decreased with lower apparent porosity. Apparent density increased with nano titania: 25%
from 4.06 g/cm3 to 4.95 g/cm3, 16% of titania-alumina from 4.06 g/cm3 to 5 g/cm3, and 29% of
titania-glass increased from 4.06 g/cm3 to 5.45 g/cm3. microhardness increased at an additional
ratio of 25% nano TiO2 from (450 MPa) to (1100 MPa), at 16% (titania-alumina) increased
from (450 MPa) to (1200 MPa) and at 29 % (titania-glass) increased from (450 MP) to (1250
MPa) so the best value of microhardness was obtained at a 29% titania-glass and diametrical
strength increased to more than (75 MPa) at a ratio of 25% of nano TiO2. Specimens immersed
in artificial saliva and tea for 3 months showed no changes in surface roughness and
microhardness. Vita shade (3D-Master) results indicated that the color values of L, R, and M
closely matched those of natural teeth. Notably, the mixture containing 29% Z-T-G exhibited
excellent color stability, making it one of the top-performing mixtures in terms of maintaining
color integrity.
Investigation of Alumina Filled Zirconia/Yttria for Dental Ceramic Applications
By: Areej Talal Ayyash, Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Enas Muhi Hadi
year: 2024
Natural teeth are exposed to diseases and accidents that lead to tooth damage, so
replace natural teeth with artificial teeth that suit the oral environment.
This research studies the possibility of toughing and improving the mechanical, and
physical properties of the zirconia systems through added alumina to the zirconia for
the teeth industry. Specimens were prepared from 3%mol(Y2O3) yttria-stabilized
tetragonal zirconia polycrystals (Y-TZP) with added alumina (Al2O3) with particle
size (50nm Nano, 50μm micro) at different Wight ratios (2, 4, 15, 20, and 25) %. The
specimens were formed by a uniaxial and isostatic pressing hydraulic press (3) Ton
and sintering at 1570 ºC for 2 hrs. The dental specimen’s physical (Apparent porosity,
Apparent density, Water apportions, surface roughness) mechanical properties
(Vickers micro hardness, Diametrical strength, and wear rate), and weight loss were
investigated. In X-ray diffraction, it appears the main phase is tetragonal as a result of
the addition of yttria to stop phase transitions in zirconia. It showed that the specimens
consisted of two materials: tetra crystalline zirconia (Y-TZP) stabilized with yttria and
alumina after sintering at 1570 ⁰C. The specimens showed in Scanning Electron
Microscope (SEM) that the distribution of materials is homogeneous in the specimens,
the absence of pores and dense materials, and the appearance of the tetragonal crystals
of zirconia. The results showed the physical properties of the specimens, decreased
the porosity appeared close to zero (0.09) %, and the apparent density increased to
(4.95) mg/cm3 when 25% Nano-alumina was added to (Y-TZP). They also showed an
increase in mechanical properties such as hardness (1241) Mpa and diametrical
strength when 25% Nano-alumina was added to (Y-TZP) and appeared low wear rate
when a weight of (50,100) N for half an hour. The specimens of zirconia systems were
immersed in artificial saliva for 24 hrs and immersed in the acid solution (acetic acid
and citric acid) for half an hour per day for three months. After immersion, surface
roughness, hardness, weight loss, and wear rate were tested. The results showed no
change in surface roughness and hardness of the specimens. The results also showed
no increase in the wear rate and no weight loss of the zirconia system specimens. The
specimens prepared from alumina-toughened zirconia have good mechanical
properties and are suitable for the dental industry in the oral environment.
The Effect of Natural Hybrid Reinforcement Unsaturated Polyester on Properties
By: Wissam Nubras Adnan, Supervised By: Assist. Prof. Dr. Zaynab Naif Rasheed & Assist. Prof. Dr.Qahtan Adnan
year: 2023
The aim of this study is to develop the specifications of unsaturated polyester (UPE)
resin by adding natural fibers and natural particles as reinforcing material. These natural
filler materials are chosen to be sisal fiber (SF) as natural fiber and pomegranate shell
particle (PSP) and coconut shell particle (CSP) as natural particles. Both types used were
treated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to increase the connection with the UPE before
using it as a reinforced material.
In this study, the selected weight fractions (5, 10, 15, and 20 wt.%) for the natural
particles and for natural fiber were selected to be (2%) in all cases. Hence, the effects of
variables (weight fracture) were investigated on the mechanical properties (impact
strength, wear rate, hardness, flexural strength, flexural modulus, and surface roughness)
and the physical properties (density, water absorption, and thermal conductivity). In
addition, miscibility and morphology tests were also studied.
Results showed compared with pure UPE, a clear improvement in the mechanical
properties of the UPE reinforced with sisal fibers. When (5wt%) CSP was added to the
fiber-particle reinforced polyester, the flexural modulus increased (22%), but decreased
(33%), when PSP was added at the same ratio. The flexural strength increases when the
ratio of CSP particles rises but reduces with a rising PSP ratio. It’s interesting to note that
the impact strength value increased (7%) when adding (5 wt.%) CSP and (23% when
adding PSP in the same ratio, while it decreased at higher ratios. The maximum shear
increased (16%) with reinforced PSP (5 wt.%) and (45%) with reinforced CSP (20 wt.%).
The surface roughness value continuously rises as the additive ratio increases. The
hardness increases when polyester is reinforced with all filler types (CSP and PSP), while
increasing by 16 percent with PSP and by 21 percent with CSP. Wear rate decreases
when it is reinforced with CSP and PSP; also, the highest density was at (15, 20) wt.% of
PE/sisal/CSP hybrid composite when reinforced with all additives added in varying
amounts. Water absorption decreases when SF and CSP are added but rises when PSP is
added, reaching a maximum of 15%. Thermal conductivity increased by 4% when
reinforced with sisal fiber, 24% when PSP (20w.%) was added, and 68% when CSP was
added at the same ratio. Finally, with PE reinforced with (SF, PSP, and CSP), the specific
heat increases, and the maximum value is set at 20%. For miscibility and morphological
tests, the results of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) on sisal fiber before
and after treatments showed that the bonding process had been accelerated because the
band intensity in the treated fibers was less intense than that in the untreated fibers. As
for the results of the scanning electron microscope test (SEM), they were carried out for
the polyester matrix, where impact test samples with percentages of 5% and 20% were
used for each of the UPE with PSP and the UPE with CSP. When reinforced with PSP,
the particles’ distribution became somewhat unbound in some areas and had a heterogeneous structure. When the composite was reinforced with CSP, it had a fairly
uniform distribution of submerged particles within the polyester resin and a strong
bonding between the particles, the resin, and the fibers. Finally theses samples can use in
many application such as, Automobiles, airplanes, furnishings, construction and other
structural application.
Preparing Aluminum Metal Matrix Composite Reinforced with Hybrid Particles
By: Aya Saad Abdul- AL Rahman, Supervised By: Dr. Mofeed A. Jaleel & Assist. Prof Dr. Awfa abdul-Rassol
year: 2023
Aluminum metal matrix composites (AMMCs) are an imported type in
material science, and their applications have been increasingly applied during the
past years, especially in wear resistant materials, it is an essential factor to consider
as it directly affects the lifespan and performance of the brake pad. This research has
found that the improvements in the wear rate and mechanical properties (hardness
and compressive strength) of aluminum matrix composites can be made of Al/SiCn
composites and Al/SiCn/Grµ hybrid composite by using the powder metallurgy
technique. This work deals with, Al/SiCn composite includes the additional nano
silicon carbide particles SiCn with different volume fraction (2, 4, 6, 8,10 to pure Al)
while for Al/SiCn/Grµ hybrid composites a further addition was (1,3,5) by volume
friction of micro-graphite particles (Grµ) with different particle size at 3% Gr. The
starting powder was wet (magnetic stirrer, ultrasonic) and dry (heating 80 °C for one
hour and oven 80 °C -2h) in oven for mixing the best uniform distribution was
achieved by this method.
Then compacted via cold pressed at 180 MPa for 3 min and sintered for 2
hours at 620 °C on AMCS, mechanical and tribological properties and intermetallic
composite examination via XRD diffraction were studied. Also, Optical and SEM
were used to investigate the morphology of mixed powders and some nanocomposite
samples. Results of optical microscopy images of mixed powders for the Al matrix
and hybrid nanopowders (SiC + Gr) indicate good mixing between the different
micro and nanopowders and homogenous distribution of nanopowders in the Al
matrix, SEM micrographs of the fracture surface of the hybrid composite showed
the plastic deformation of hard ceramic(SiC) with high porosity of solid
lubricant(Gr). The X-Ray results showed no intermediate phase appeared between
SiC, Gr and Al, the SiC, Gr intensity increased as the volume fraction of them
The physical properties of the hybrid composite, including, density and
porosity of sintered specimens were also characterized by Archimedes technique. As an increase via porosity percent and decrease in density had found as the volume
fraction of SiC, Gr increased.
Mechanical properties of the hybrid composite showed great improvement
compared to pure Al, the highest values for microhardness and compressive strength
were achieved by Al/6% SiC/3% Gr at 75µm particle size of Gr (220 HV) and Al/6
% SiC (154.6 MPa), respectively.
Tribological properties assessed the composites resistance to wear and its
frictional behavior under sliding contact, the results were evaluated to identify
favorable volume fraction and particle size combinations that exhibited reduced
wear and coefficient friction rate, the best-recorded result as (0.242) at Al/4%
SiC/1% Gr, (0.105) at Al/5%Gr for wear and coefficient friction.
Improvement of Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Polymers
By: Ghaithe Yousif Dakhel, Supervised By: Assist. Prof. Dr. Rana M. Salih & Prof. Dr. Awham M. Hameed
year: 2022
In this work aims to enhance the mechanical properties (compression
strength, flexural strength, impact strength tensile strength and hardness) of
Polylactic Acid (PLA), a 3D printed Polymer material. The fused deposition
modelling (FDM) technique was used to produce the 3D printed samples. The
polymer filaments were manufactured into 3D prints using locally-made 3D
printer. And the specimens were designed by a software that transfers design
patterns into the moving printer head with a nozzle that pushes the melted
polymer into the final shape. Three specimens of each type have been tested
with a selected infill ratios (30, 50, and 70%) and infill pattern (line, gyroud,
and tri-hexagon).
The results showed that the 70 percent infill ratio with linear pattern had
the highest compressive strength, in case of the compression test, the test was
done using general-purpose (EN772-1) manual compression testing machine for
blocks, cubes and cylinders in accordance with the standard specification
(ASTM D695), Tri-hexagon infill pattern with 70% infill ratio proved to have
the highest values of Flexural strength in the case of Flexural Test, which
performed using 3-point bending method according to (ASTM D-790). By
universal testing machine (UTM) from (ADMET)/USA. The flexural strength
of the samples was calculated and given from the testing machine instantly
when the test was finished, the impact strength of samples was determined by
using an impact taster according to ISO-179 standards. The impact strength of
the specimens was calculated in unit kJ/m2
. Tri-hexagon infill pattern with 70%
infill ratio proved to have the highest values of Impact strength in the case ofImpact Test. The tension test was accomplished on samples with standard
dimensions according to (ASTM D-638) , by using tensile machine made in UK
from AZoMaterials (Testometric AT-S and CT- S models). A crosshead speed
of (5 mm/min) was employed as the test speed, Linear infill pattern with 70%
infill ratio proved to have the highest values of both Young’s modulus and
tensile strength in the case of Tensile Test. Hardness (Shore D) test shows that
the maximum hardness value was found at the base side of the specimens and
the result of hardness test for all surfaces of the sample were in the hardness
standard properties range of (PLA) which is between (67 – 85).
The results also showed that the 30 percent infill ratio with Gyroud
pattern had the highest compressive strength, Tri-hexagon infill pattern with
30% infill ratio proved to have the highest values of Flexural strength in the
case of Flexural Test, The same pattern and infill ratio also had the highest
values of Impact strength in the case of Impact Test, Linear infill pattern with
30% infill ratio proved to have the highest values of both Young’s modulus and
tensile strength in the case of Tensile Test.
In case of 50 percent infill ratio the Line pattern had the highest
compressive strength, Tri-hexagon infill pattern with 50% infill ratio proved to
have the highest values of Flexural strength in the case of Flexural Test, and the
same pattern and infill ratio also had the highest values of Impact strength in the
case of Impact Test, Gyroud infill pattern with 50% infill ratio proved to have
the highest values of Young’s modulus, the Line pattern had the highest tensile
strength in the case of Tensile Test.
Preparation and characterization of copper oxide nanostructure by CBD method for optoelectronic applications
By: Zainab Mohammed Sadiq, Supervised By: Dr. Mustafa A. Hassan & Dr. Khaleel I. Hassoon
year: 2022
Copper Oxide thin films with nano rod-like structures have been prepared by
using chemical bath deposition (CBD) method. Both the effect of the
annealing temperature (400 and 500 ⁰C) and concentration (0.050, 0,075 and
0.1 M) on the prepared samples were studied. Some tests were carried out
for the structural properties (XRD, FESEM, and AFM), optical properties
(UV-Visible and Reflectance), and electrical properties (DC-conductivity
and Seebeck effect).
The results of the X-ray diffraction test revealed that the films have the most
obvious peak patterns at 35.60 and 38.72, which belong to the two
orientations (002) and (111), respectively, and they have a monoclinic
crystal phase. It was found that before heat treatment, the films are weakly
crystallized. After annealing, the films have improved crystalline quality,
and the CuO thin film posses little dependence on precursor concentration.
FE-SEM measurement indicated that the as-deposited film showed irregular
shapes. However, after annealing, the morphology is changed to nano-rod
shapes. EDS examination confirmed the presence of Cu and O elements in
the films, with no peaks indicating the presence of any impurities was
The results of the optical properties showed that the prepared films at 0.1 M
have a high absorption coefficient of about 104 cm-1
and an energy gap
ranging from 1.55 to 2.2 eV. Consequently, CuO is a good candidate for
solar cell applications.
Nano Metal Oxide Effect on Attapulgite for Petroleum Wells
By: Worood Ayad Abd-Alameer Salman, Supervised By: Prof. Aqeel Shaker Al-Adili & Asst. Prof. Dr.Sadeer Mowafaq Majeed
year: 2022
For the successful drilling for oil and gas, the drilling fluids are essential
materials. In drilling applications, the most commonly used drilling fluids are
water-based fluids. They are the first fluids of choice for drilling applications
because of their cost-effective, environmentally friendly and non-hazardous
nature and locally sourced materials. The major problem is that the gel strength
of the drilling fluids produced using local substitutes is too low and the fluid loss
is too high. As a result, drilling processes are not sutitable for drilling fluids
Drilling operations will be successful when suitable drilling fluids are used to
minimize or control hole problems. Numerous studies have been carried out to
improve the drilling fluids used in drilling oil wells. Recently, nanotechnology
applications have shown a positive impact on drilling fluid technology. The
objective of this study is to formulate locally drilling fluids supported
nanomaterials to improve the filtration and rheological properties related to
these fluids.
The attapulgite claystone of Bahar Al-Najaf region is known with (43.4 and 13.9
wt %) of calcite and quartz minerals, respectively. This work is devoted to
develop the attapulgite clay which exist at Bahar Al-Najaf region (studying area)
to be suitable for oil wells drilling mud. The target of this work is matding the
standarels of attapulgite clays of Bahar Al-Najaf with those related to the
American Petroleum Institute (API).
In order to reach this target; the undesirable material (calcite and quartz particles
with diameter greater than 75 µm) should be removed. In addition developing
the dispersion of attapulgite rods, should be obtained.
In this work, Iraqi attapulgite clay was processed with acetic acid with
concentration of (1.138) M, and wet sieving condition was performed with
speed 1800 rpm for 20 min and 38 µm mesh size to make it suitable in oil wells drilling mud preparation, MgO/TiO2 Nano-composite was prepared by sol-gel
method and liquid phase precipitation method at different weights of (0.02, 0.05,
0.08) g.
XRD and FE-SEM tests were utilized for mineralogical and morphological
identification respectively and Ofite viscometer. Ofite Low-Pressure Filter Press
were used to measure the rheological and filtration properties of the produced
attapulgite from the investigated processes before and after addition of different
Nanoparticles. For the wet sieving process, the results showed that the stirring
speed and stirring time had great effect on raising the yield of the process.
The results of upgrading process with acid treatment for separated attapulgite
using the weak acid (acetic acid) showed promising outcome to remove whole
calcite mineral without causing any damage to attapulgite morphology.
Therefore, upgrading attapulgite clay with acetic acid gave best rheological
The results, after addition with different nanomaterials, assured that:
Magnesium oxide showed a great contribution to apparent viscosity and plastic
viscosity by 16% of attapulgite aqueous suspensions.
Titanium dioxide nano particles (TiO2 NPs) showed a good reduction percentage
(-4%) in filtrate volume when added to Attapulgite drilling mud, It was noticed
that the material (TiO2 NPs) improved the viscosity rate by 2% slightly.
Both nanomaterials gave little improvement in the density of drilling mud
(MgO, TiO2) nanoparticles in the rate of (2 and 2.1) % respectively. Based on
the previous results, the concentrations of nanomaterials that gave the best
improvement for filtration properties and viscosity were selected to be (0.05,
0.08) g.
Study the Behavior of Epoxy-Glass Waste Composite in Aggressive Media
By: Hadeel Ibrahim Kadhim, Supervised By: Asst. Prof. Dr. Awham M. Hameed & Asst. Prof.Dr. Besma M. Fahad
year: 2022
The world is evolving toward extending the life of commodities and decreasing
waste by recycling. The purpose of this study is to improve resistance of epoxy against
the corrosive conditions by reinforcing it with available chemically resist materials
have low cost. This study suggests using the glass waste (G.W) to prepare polymer
matrix composites (PMCs) for different applications. Four sets of samples were
prepared of (50%) weight fraction, two sets of samples were made and treated at
ambient temperature, while others were treated at 50°C for two hours. Each set
included either reinforced or unreinforced epoxy. These samples were immersed in
different media (Tap Water, (0.5N) NaOH, (0.5N)HCl, Kerosene and Benzene).To find
out the resistance of the epoxy after reinforcing, some physical and mechanical tests
were carried out, including Optical Microscope, Density, Absorption, Hardness,
Compressive strength, Elasticity Modulus, Flexural and Impact Strength.
After seven months of immersion, physical and mechanical properties
remained unchanged for the composites, in contrast to pure epoxy which all its
properties had decreased, that clarified by microscopic images. Composites reinforced
by glass particles show an increase in physical and mechanical properties, when
compared to elegant epoxy resin alone and remains constant during the immersion
period at ambient temperature as well as at 50°C. The increase in the ratio of Vickers
hardness, Compressing strength and Elasticity Modulus were (67%, 14% and 62%)
respectively at room temperature, while Flexural and Impact strength were (44MPa)
and (8 kJ/m2
) respectively. In addition, the results showed an improvement in those
properties of the reinforced and unreinforced samples cured at 50°C. The solutions that
had the highest effect on pure epoxy were (HCl and water). This indicates that epoxy
acquire resistance after reinforcing with glass waste. It showed good resistance to
absorbance of solutions. This encourages glass waste recycling by producing
composites with low cost, and with high resistance to corrosive media that may be used
for a variety of applications.
Preparation and Study of Some Properties for Polymer Reinforced with Metallic Wastes
By: Farah Sadeq Ali, Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Awham M. Hameed & Assist. Prof. Dr. Rana M. Salih
year: 2022
In recent years, waste has spread in its different forms, metallic, plastic and
glass, so this research aims to invest and recycle metallic waste to manufacture new
composite material and study its characteristics.
This study involves the preparation of two polymer matrix composites which
are inexpensive, environmentally friendly, and utilitarian by the hand lay-up process.
Unsaturated polyester resin (UPR) was used as a matrix reinforced with metallic wastes
such as Al flakes in one composite and Fe filings in the other composite with different
weight fractions (0, 10, 30, 40 and 50) % . All samples were subjected to mechanical and
physical tests such as (bending, tensile, hardness, flexural, shear, impact, wear, friction
and density tests), and the scanning electron microscope (SEM) of fractured samples’
surfaces was conducted.
It was found that 10 % wt. of (UPR-Al flakes) is the best reinforcement ratio
in tensile, hardness, flexural and shear strength, and Young’s modulus tests. (SEM)
micrographs showed there is a good distribution at 10 % of Al flakes inside the matrix,
and the polyester covers the fillers completely. This denotes an excellent interstitial
adhesion between them. While the 50 % wt. of reinforcement was optimum ratio in the
impact strength, wear rate, and density where the percentage of increasing in the impact
strength and density was approximately 32 %, and 24 %, respectively and the wear rate
decreased by 92 %.
As for the (UPR-Fe filings), it was found that the addition of iron filings
increased Young’s modulus by 35 %, and the density by 79 % at 50 % wt. The optimum
value for impact strength and hardness observed at 30 % wt. with increasing 43% and 8
% respectively, while when 10 % wt. of Fe filings was added, the tensile strength was
increased with 8 %, and the wear rate was decreased with 96 %.
Preparation and Characterization of Iron Sulfide thin films for Optoelectronic applications
By: Mustafa Majid Ibrahim, Supervised By: Dr. Mustafa A. Hassan & Dr. Khaleel I. Hassoon
year: 2021
In this work, iron sulfide thin films were prepared by the tilt chemical spray
pyrolysis. Two different salts were used (iron nitrate, iron chloride), (FeCl3,
Fe(NO3) 3.9H2O), and three different proportions of thiourea (NH2)2C.S was
used (1.25M, 1M, 0.75M) to obtain sulfur, and two different temperatures
(200°C, 350°C) were used. The prepared thin films by thiourea (1M) were
annealed at temperature (400°C) in the presence of sulfur and argon gas. The
structural, optical, and electrical properties were studied. The structural
properties analysis showed that the thin films prepared with thiourea
concentration (1.25M, 0.75M) are amorphous structure and irregularly shaped
films. The thin films prepared with thiourea concentration (1M) are amorphous
structures in the thin film prepared from iron nitrate salt, the thin film prepared
from iron chloride salt contains two phases (pyrite, marcasite), the thin films
also have regular shapes nanostructured. The annealed thin films are
polycrystalline for the thin film prepared at 350°C for the thin film prepared at
200°C, the XRD analysis showed the start of the crystallization process. The
study of the optical properties, by calculating the energy gap of the permissible
indirect transmission, and the energy gap values were between (1.53-1.26 eV),
and the Seebeck examination showed that the films prepared were p-type, that
the prepared films have an absorption coefficient between (2 x 105cm-1-1.1). x105cm-1). As the Seebeck analysis showed that the prepared films are p-type,
that the prepared films have an absorption coefficient between (2x105cm-1-1.1x105cm-1), The electrical properties were studied and it was found that the
conductivity at the range (0.2(.cm)-1- 3.1(.cm)-1). The thin films were used in
the application of the DSSCs as the counter electrode and it was found that the
highest efficiency was (6.3%) for the films prepared with thiourea
concentration (1.25M).
Preparation Refractory Mortar of Iraqi raw Materials to Line Furnaces
By: Faten Hassan Gatem, Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Enas Muhi Hadi
year: 2021
A low-cost refractory mortar was prepared from medium alumina
refractory brick grog and local Iraqi raw materials (Kaolin , Bentonite ).
That can be used in building and coating furnaces walls works at high
The medium alumina refractory bricks were crushed, grinned then
saving into three different sizes (coarse – medium – fine) then mixed as
(50% coarse, 30% medium and 20% fine. ). two types of mortar (Kaolin –
Mortar) (Bentonite – Mortar) were prepared by adding clays in different
weight percentages (10, 15, 20, 30, 40)%.
The specimens were prepared by hand-forming method, then dried at
room temperature for (24) hrs, then firing at (1150) °C, physical
mechanical, thermal and microscopic tests were carved out to study
the ability of refractory mortar in thermal application.
The results shows that the apparent porosity decreases with the addition
of clays (Kaolin-Bentonite) and the highest apparent porosity were
(29.53% for K-mortar) and (27.785% for B-mortar) at 10% clay, the
water absorption decreases with the increase in the percentage of clays
(Kaolin-Bentonite) addition and that the highest water absorption ratio
were (25.52% for B-mortar) and (24.6% for K-mortar) at 10% clay, in
contrast to the apparent density increases with an increase in
clays(Kaolin-Bentonite) percentage (2.4g/cm3
for K-mortar) (2.6g/cm3
for B -mortar) at 40%clay. As for the specific heat capacity, it decreases
with the increase in the percentage of clays (Kaolin- Bentonite) addition.
the highest specific heat capacity were (900.15J/kg .k for K-mortar) and
(877.26J/kg .k for B-mortar) at 10% clay, the thermal expansion
increases with an increase in the percentage of clays (Kaolin-Bentonite)
were (3.65 1/°C for K-mortar) and (5.71 1/°C for B-mortar) at
40%clay, It was noticed that Thermal conductivity increases with
increasing of clays (Kaolin- Bentonite) addition and the highest thermal
conductivity were (10.23 w/m.k for K-mortar) and (12.39w/m.k for Bmortar) at 40% clay. The bond strength increases with increasing clays (Kaolin-Bentonite)
addition and the highest binding strength were (4Mpa for K-mortar) and
(3.8Mpa for B-mortar) is at 40%clay.
X-ray diffraction shows that the two types of refractory mortar (Kaolin
– Mortar) and (Bentonite – Mortar) consist of two main phases, mullite
and cristobalite, after firing at (1150) ℃.
Preparation and Characterization of Micro and Nano Barium Titanate with Nano Silica Composites
By: Ghadeer Sadiq Jassim Dawood, Supervised By: Asst. Prof. Dr. Mojahid Mohammed Najim & Asst. Prof. Dr. Wafaa Mahdi Salih
year: 2021
The Pure homogeneous Barium Titanate with formula (BaTiO3) was
prepared by Solid State reaction method, from Barium Carbonate (BaCO3) and
Titanium Oxide (TiO2) as raw materials having micro size by mixing of molar
ratio ]1:1[, powders (disk shape ceramic samples) were calcined at (900, 1000,
1100, 1200, and 1350)◦
- The resulting powders were characterized using XRD,
Scanning electron microscopy was performed to verify the preferred method in
producing fine Barium Titanate powder. Then, the X-ray diffraction patterns
were compared for both the micro and nano powder, with different sintering
temperatures. The homogeneous fine nano and micro powders of Barium
Titanate were doped with silicon dioxide with different ratios (1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5)
- %, each ratio separately. Then sintering at different temperatures (1000 –
1300) ◦
C with disk shape ceramics samples was performed.
According to X-ray diffraction, the pattern for this method manifested all
the peaks of Barium Titanate powder shown well fitted to the positions of the
peaks of the standard tetragonal phase and with preferred crystalline size for the
powder calcined.
For the physical properties of the pure and doped samples, it was
observed that the addition of SiO2 effects on the physical properties, water
absorption ability decreases with the decrease in the apparent porosity when
sintering temperature increases, and that the volumetric shrinkage decreases
with the bulk density decrease when the ratio of SiO2 content is increased.
For the Dielectric properties (Real dielectric constant ԑ’, Imaginary
dielectric constant ԑ”, Tangent of loss angle (Tan δ)), the results evinced raising
and lowering in their value according to the ratio of SiO2 but in general,
lowering in their value with changing measurement field frequency.
For the diametrical strength test, the results elucidated raising when
adding (SiO2) at temperatures 1000 ◦C, 1100 ◦C, and 1200◦C, but up to the
temperature of 1300 ◦C reduces the BaTiO3 diametrical strength value.
Preparation and Characterization Study of Titanium dioxide Nanoparticles Doping with Nanometals
By: Muna Muzahim Abbas, Supervised By: Asst. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Siham Rasheed
year: 2021
In this research, titanium dioxide nanoparticles were synthesized by the solid
state reaction method, then all of the aluminum and copper materials were
added to the nanoscale size and were added in three ratios that are (3%, 5% and
7% (wt.)) and the use of the dry press method through a hydraulic press from
one direction, using a mold of diameter (10 mm) to obtain a ceramic
compressed dimension that was firing at a temperature of 1100 °C.
The physical properties, which include loss mass. The addition of (3% wt.)
ratio for aluminum has a large percentage of mass loss. Also adding copper (3%
wt.) had a large mass loss in the shrinkage amount of the material, when adding
aluminum at a (3% wt.) ratio it found that the highest shrinkage percentage
among the added rates. Adding copper on (7% wt.) ratio is the highest among
shrinkage the added rates.
The thermal conductivity are studied for all samples that include pure with
the added proportions and compared between them when adding the
proportions for aluminum the ratio of (5% wt.) is the highest conductivity
between the used ratios. As for copper, also; it was found that the highest
conductivity evaluated is for the ratio (5% wt.).
The dielectric constant property and the effect of adding the metal to titanium
dioxide are studied. It was found percentage (3% wt.) for aluminum being the
highest, while the added rates for copper are the highest percentage is (5% wt.) .
For the mechanical properties, which included the hardness and the Brazilian
Test, when adding percentage from aluminum toTiO2 (3% wt.) Ratio showed is the highest hardness value between other ratios and when
adding copper also the highest hardness found on (3% wt.) ratio,
As well as, the material strength value the compressibility imposed on it
through the Brazilian test when adding aluminum a compressibility of (5% wt.)
was obtained, when copper was added, the highest compressive value was
obtained with respect to the added proportions which was (7% wt.).
Material’s structure of the samples are studied using XRD to study the phases
during the temperature of 1100 °C, how the phase shifted when adding
aluminum and copper to titanium dioxide.
As well as, the vibrational effects of atoms through FTIR and the ability of
the molecules to absorb are reported. The samples surface, intermolecular
bonding through SEM and chemical concentrations were studied through EDX
and also taking surface pictures of the samples through an optical microscope,
know the surface morphologies and roughness all samples by AFM
Preparation of porous silicon carbide ceramic by exploiting gases emitted from chemical reactions
By:Lara Abd Al- Hakeem shalal, Supervised By: Prof. Dr. Shihab Ahmed Zaidan
year: 2021
Silicon carbide described among the advanced ceramic materials and has
wide applications. Porous ceramics were fabricated from silicon carbide in this
Silicon carbide characterized by a high melting temperature.so, it is always
referred to as being linked to materials with a lower melting point, including
bentonite raw as one of the clays types. Generating gases technique from the
reaction of hydrochloric acid HCl with aluminum was used in (silicon carbide bentonite) suspension , And by molding bentonite in a rubber silicon mold,
adding different weight ratios of bentonite (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 wt.%) to
prepare high-porosity bodies, and then drying and firing at (1100 and 1300oC).
the X-ray diffraction analysis results were studied, it was founded that the main
phases appeared after the firing process were (α and β –SiC) with quartz and
mullite, where a part of (β –SiC) transformed into (α-SiC) when the temperature
rises from (1100 OC to 1300 OC) with the increase of both the mullite phase and
the transformation of a part of the Quartz to Tridymite and Cristobalite.
The increase of bentonite led to an increase in the pH up to (10.3) to an increase
in the basicity of the suspension, which means that the energy reaction could be
increased by adding both hydrochloric acid HCl and aluminum.
The porosity of the prepared samples measured, it was found that it decreased
with the increase in bentonite percentage after the firing process. The porosity
values ranged between (57.4% and 72.3%). Also the same behavior was for the
water absorption rate, and it ranged between (67.4% and 82.2%). As for the
bulk density was increased with percentage of bentonite and the firing
temperature increases. In general, its value ranged from (0.88 to 1.25 g/cm3
), so
the hardness and compressive strength was increased with increasing the
percentage of added bentonite in the range from (4.35 MPa to 6.35 MPa.)
These values were good within the characterization of porous bodies. As for the
thermal properties, the thermal conductivity coefficient decreased with an
increase in the added bentonite percentage.
The thermal conductivity Values ranged between (9.5 W/m.k and 18.6 W/m.k)
when firing at (1100oC), but it increased with the increase of firing temperature up to (1300oC) and ranged between (11.3 W/m.k and 19.8 W/m.k). These values
were within the expected of silicon carbide and bentonite ranged between
(623J/kg.k and 661 J/kg.k). As for the permeability of water, it was measured in
Darcy’s method and its value was great compared to the permeability of other
porous bodies and ranged between (2×10-9 m
2 and17×10-9 m
) and its behavior
was similar to that of porosity.
From the above results it was clear that this type of porous (SiC-bentonite)
composites can be used in fluid filtration with high efficiency especially at high
temperatures. In addition the shape of the pores connected to the surface was
variable depending on both the bentonite additives and firing temperature. This
change includes the pores size and the samples surface distribution and this was
approved using optical microscope image
Modification the Properties of Zirconia by Multi-Wall Carbon Nanotube and Study their Biocompatibility
By: Hadeer Shehab Ahmed Al-Hadithi, Supervised By: Dr. Sadeer Mowafaq Majeed & Asst. Prof. Dr. Duha Saadi Ahmed
year: 2020
In this study, zirconia matrix stabilized in the tetragonal phase was
prepared by adding yttrium oxide (3% mol.Y2O3) with a homogeneous
distribution for different weight additions of (2%, 5%, 7%, and 10%) wt. of F[1]MWCNTs as reinforced to form (3% mol.Y2O3-ZrO2 / F-MWCNTs )
nanocomposite materials using pressing uniaxially (624) MPa in the cylindrical
metal-die to form pellets of (10 mm diameter), Then, the pellets were sintered in
air at (1550 °C) for two hours.
The results showed that changing the percentage of reinforcement and
matrix has a great influence on the measured properties and as follows:
The samples were tested to obtain the physical and mechanical properties
of samples depending on the distribution of F-MWCNTs in the matrix as the
densities (Green, Bulk, and Theoretical), porosity and linear shrinkage. The
maximum values of densities can be at the ratio (2% wt.) of F-MWCNTs; also
the minimum values of porosity and linear shrinkage can be at the ratio (2% wt.)
Besides, the mechanical properties where the microhardness was studied
by vickers indentation method and Brazilian test to demonstrate the toughness.
The maximum values of the vickers hardness and compression strength obtained
at the ratio (2% wt., 5%wt.) of F-MWCNTs.
The samples were characterized by using XRD analysis to determine the
phase composition of samples and the microstructure, and the fracture surface of
the materials was studied using SEM and EDS, also was characterized by using
FTIR to determine the vibrational mode after treated MWCNTs.Besides, the cell viability of samples by MTT assay was studied to
investigate the activity of composite (3% mol. Y2O3-ZrO2) (10%) wt. F[1]MWCNTs in killing the tumor cells. The results elucidated the best antibacterial
activity of samples at concentration (150 µg.mL-1
) of the ratio (7% wt., 10% wt.)
of F-MWCNTs, where three types of bacteria pathogen (E. coli, P. aeruginosa
and S. aureus) manifested an excellent antibacterial activity , also the good
results of adhesion bacterial against bacteria pathogen (E. coli) can be seen at the
ratio (7% wt., 10% wt.) of F-MWCNTs where proved a potential application in
teeth/bone implantation to decrease the bacterial load in some areas with a high
exposure to bacterial contamination.
Preparation of Electrical Insulators from Local Raw Materials and Study the Effect of Nano Additives on the Dielectric Properties
By: Lubna Jaleil Ibraheim, Supervised By: Dr. Mojahid Mohammed Najim
year: 2020
Porcelain is one of the most important ceramic materials used as insulation
and to improve the isolation properties were added rice husk ash and nano
materials (Alumina, Titania) were added separately.
Porcelain mixtures were prepared from Iraqi raw materials; five mixtures
(A, B, C, D and E) were produced with different percentages of kaolin, silica
sand and feldspar. The powders were compacted as discs shape with diameter
(13 mm) by semi-dry pressing with (2 tons) applied pressure for (2 minutes).
The samples were sintered at two different temperatures (1200⁰C and
1250⁰C), and the socking time was (2 hr).
XRD and SEM of pure porcelain samples showed that the main crystalline
phases of porcelain were mullite and quartz.
It was observed that with increase sintering temperature, the porosity and
water absorption decreased, while the bulk density and shrinkage increased, and
it can be observed that the porosity, water absorption, shrinkage deceased while
the bulk density increase when increased feldspar content.
The mechanical properties of pure porcelain samples were measured. As
for the dielectric properties of pure porcelain, it can be noticed with increasing
of feldspar percentage, dielectric constant decreased while the dielectric strength
Where, the best sample was prepared physical, mechanical and dielectric
properties obtained the C sample (50% kaolin, 25% feldspar, and 25 % silica
sand) sintered at 1250°C.Rice husk ash was prepared and added to mixture C instead of quartz in
different percentages (5, 10, 15, 20) wt %, formed with desk shape and sintered
at 1250°C, it was observed the dielectric constant and the dielectric strength
increase with increase rice husk ash.
Nano materials (nano alumina and nano titania) were added to mixture C in
different percentages (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2) wt%, each nano material was separately,
formed with desk shape and sintered at 1250°C.
Dielectric constant, dielectric loss and dielectric strength increased when adding
nano alumina and nano titania to porcelain.
Preparation And Characteristics Of Ceramic Crude Petroleum Filters From Local Raw Materials
By: Khulood haleem Yousif, Supervised By: Dr. Enas Muhi Hadi
year: 2020
Crude petroleum is a main source of energy, and has different quality
around the world which affected the petroleum refining industry.
In this work porous ceramic was prepared from Iraqi Local kaolin with
(70%) and alumina (30%), for the purpose of improvement the
properties of filter and enhancement the formation of the mullite phase.
These materials used considered low cost materials, environmentally
friendly, harmless and recyclable. Furthermore, there were natural
additions of palm fronds (P.F) in different ratios (5, 10, 15, 25, 35 and
45) % and different sizes (fine, medium and coarse) in order to create
pores materials.
Porous ceramic specimens was formed in disc shape with diameter (25)
mm by dry pressing with a load of (5 tons) for testing while others
formed in balls shape with diameters ranging between (20-25) mm by a
cold forming. porous ceramic specimens were firing at 1200ᵒC by a
firing program with a soaking time for (2hr).
The practical results obtained for the porous ceramic based on the
additives ratio showed that the apparent porosity and water absorption
ratio increased with increasing of (P.F) addition ratios. The highest
apparent porosity ratio for filter was (60.7%) with 45% ratio of fine (P.F),
the highest water absorption ratio for filter was (89.3%) with 45% ratio of
fine (P.F).
Apparent density decreased with the increase of (P.F) additive ratio, the
lowest apparent density for filter was (0.68 g/cm3
) with 45% ratio of fine
(P.F).While, the mechanical properties decreased with the increase of
(P.F) additive ratio.
Crude petroleum treated by filters with 30% ratio of fine, medium and
coarse (P.F), Tests conducted on Properties (Physico-chemical) of crude
petroleum for all filter for 7 days, The results elucidated that the filters
with30% ratio of fine (P.F) were better in purifying crude petroleum
therefore filters with this ratio submerged for 14 days. The result obtained for crude petroleum manifested that the (American
Petroleum Institute gravity (API) for crude petroleum was (24.70), API
for crude petroleum after treated with filter of 30% ratio of fine (P.F) for
14 days was (32.5). Moreover, Sulfur content for crude petroleum was
(3.76wt.%), while sulfur content for crude petroleum after treated with
filter of 30% ratio of fine (P.F) for 14 days was (2.6wt. %). Carbon
residue for crude petroleum was (8.8wt.%), while Carbon residue for
crude petroleum after treated with filter of 30% ratio of fine (P.F) for 14
days was (4.53wt.%). Also, Asphaltenes content for crude petroleum was
(6.68wt.%) compared to crude petroleum after treated with filter of 30%
ratio of fine (P.F) for 14 days was (1.6wt.%). Finally, Metallic content
(Ni, V, Fe) for crude petroleum were respectively (32,86,1.32) ppm,
while these metallic content for crude petroleum after treated with filter
of 30% ratio of fine (P.F) for 14 days were respectively
(11.43,47.52,0.73) ppm.
All these results obtained within the required standards by the companies
importing Iraqi crude petroleum.
Manufacturing of Copper Foam via Dissolution and Sintering Process for Industrial Water Purification
By: Nour Ali Badi, Supervised By: Dr. Ali Abadi Altayef Aljubouri.
year: 2020
Copper foams were manufactured by using powder metallurgy technique,
then the dissolution and sintering process was conducted Copper powder with
particle size (0.45 – 1.18 mm) was used as a raw material with K2CO3 and Sugar
powder having same particle size between (0.2 – 1.18 mm) as a space holder.
Porosity, foam density, compressive strength ,Young’s modulus, yield stress,
energy absorption and pore size were investigated. The optical microscope and
scanning electron microscopy have been used to investigate the pores.
The variables that were used in this study are space holder ( K2CO3 and Sugar)
content, the particle size of Cu , K2CO3 and Sugar. A sintering process for all
samples at temperature 875°C for 3 hours have been carried out. .
The foam containing K2CO3 between (30-50 wt. %) at dissolution time (48
hrs) with compaction pressure (200 MPa), in group 1 Copper particle size
between ( 0.045 – 0.075mm ) , porosity increased from (26.15 %) to (83%) with
increasing the pore size between (0.130 to 0.251 mm), while the foam density
decreased from (6.617) to (1.6) g/cm3
, yield stress decreased from (6) to (1.3)
MPa, compressive strength decreased from (6.7) to (2.9) MPa and e absorption
energy decreased from (1.77) to (1.08) MJ/m3
The foam containing K2CO3 between (30-50 wt. %) at dissolution time (48 hrs)
with compaction pressure (200 MPa), in group 2 revealed that the particle size
of copper between (0.045–1.18 mm), porosity increased from (26.15 %) to
(80%) with increasing the pore size between (0.120 to 0.608 mm), while the
foam density decreased from (6.617) to (1.79) g/cm3
In group 3, the foam containing Sugar between (30-50 wt. %) at dissolution
time (48 hrs) with compaction pressure (200MPa) showed that the particle size
of copper is between ( 0.045 – 0.075mm ) , porosity increased from (26.15 %) to
(84%) with increasing the pore size between (0.328 to 0.457 mm), while the
foam density decreased from (6.617) to (1.36) g/cm3
, yield stress decreased
from (0) to (1.25) MPa, compressive strength decreased from (7.4) to (2.8) MPa
and e absorption energy decreased from (0.93) to (0.622) MJ/m3. The group 4 is same as in group 3, but the particle size of copper is between
(0.045–1.18 mm), porosity increased from (26.15 %) to (84%) with increasing
the pore size between (0.346 to 0.507 mm), while the foam density decreased
from (6.617) to (1.37) g/cm3
Finally, The group 5 is like in group 3 and 4, but the particle size of copper is
between (0.075-1.18 mm), porosity increased from (26.15 %) to (82.5%) with
increasing the pore size between (0.318 to 0.352 mm), where as the foam
density decreased from (6.617) to (1.53) g/cm3
From the atomic adsorption test, the results showed that using K2CO3 as a
space holder is more effective than sugar in the elimination of chromium from
the industrial water. The best value of eliminating chromium was obtained by
group 1 sample with K2CO3 content 30%, in which the chromium content
decreased from 1444.50 ppm in the industrial water before filtration to 1106.09
ppm after filtration, while in group 3 with using the same content of sugar as
space holder, the chromium content decreased from 1444.50 ppm in the
industrial water before filtration to 1207.69 ppm after filtration.
Study of The Effect of Doping on Structural, Optical and Electrical Properties of (ZnS) Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Spray Pyrolysis
By: Shanaz Hussein A. Al Sormeeri, Supervised By: Assist.prof.Dr. Rana Mahdi Salih
year: 2019
This work aims to enhance acoustic and thermal insulation
properties for polymeric composite by adding nanoclay and rock wool as
reinforcement materials with different ratios. A polymer blend of
(epoxy+ polyester) as matrix materials was used, and hand lay-up
technique was used to manufacture the castings. Epoxy and polyester
were mixed in different weight ratios (50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, and
90:10) wt. % of (epoxy: polyester) respectively. The optimum mixing
ratio (OMR) was decided upon the highest value of impact test carried
out on the blends of the above mentioned ratios, which showed that the
(80:20)wt.% epoxy: polyester respectively had the highest impact
strength value, hence was selected as a matrix for the composite. Nano
clay (Kaolinite) with ratios (5 and 7.5% ) wt.% , also hybrid
reinforcement materials involving (Kaolite 5 & 7.5 % wt.% + 10%
volume fraction of rockwool ) were added as reinforcement materials to
the optimum sample.
The results show that the addition of nanoclay in a percentage of 7.5
wt.% Leads to the highest sound insulation, such that the sound intensity
for low frequencies was 99.8 dB, reaching to 101 dB at high frequencies
(10000 Hz), suggesting much lower values than the unreinforced blend,
of which the sound intensity started from 107.2 dB to 108.7 for the same
range of frequencies.
Thermal conductivity results showed that the nanocomposite with
7.5 % wt. has the lowest value (about 0.443 W/m.°C). The result of water
Absorption showed that the diffusivity varied according to the type of
material and its temperature. SEM images showed that there is no interface between the matrix phases so they couldn’t be distinguished apart.
Mechanical properties (bending behavior, compressive strength,
impact strength and flexural strength) were studied for these specimens.
The results showed that the blend reinforced with nano clay in a weight
fraction 7.5% and hybridized with rockwool volume fraction 10% had the
lowest deflection and the highest value of Young’s modulus
(1889.49)MPa in bending, while blend reinforced with 5%wt. nanoclay
and 10%vol. rockwool showed the highest value of compressive strength
(396.95) MPa. The reinforcement with nanoclay reduced the impact
strength, such that the lowest impact strength was 0.0055 KJ/m2
for (blend+5% nanoclay). The results of flexural test showed that the
(polyester+ epoxy) blend have the highest value of flexural strength
(57.4MPa). The reinforcement with 5%wt. fraction of nanoclay and
10%vol. fraction of rockwool have led to a reduction in flexural strength
to the lowest value, which was 16.53 MPa.